Ariel Winter fires back at fans suggesting she used plastic surgery for weight loss
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Ariel Winter has responded to people on social media who criticized her recent weight loss on Instagram.

On Sunday, the 21-year-old actress posted a photo from a friend’s birthday party on social media.

In the photo, Winter wore a checkered jumpsuit, which showed off her slim physique.

The Modern Family star’s followers began body-shaming her for her noticeable weight loss.

“You were fine just the way you were before not now,” one user wrote.

Others added comments like “Where are the curves?!” and “Where your booty go?”

“She’s just conforming to Hollywood standards—how is anyone surprised?” another person wrote.

“I’m sorry you felt the need to so dramatically change your appearance. I liked you just as you were. I hope you are happy in your new body though,” another fan commented.

A different user wrote, “Nothing wrong with being honest and telling her we liked her better before ‘the change’ she was so beautiful before she started chopping up her body and if me saying so helps one gurl out here to feel beautiful who’s thinking of PS its worth it.”

Winter replied to the comment, writing, “I appreciate you wanting to help girls love themselves the way they are, but you are also kind of cutting someone (me) down which isn’t what I think you were trying to do?”

She continued: “I also didn’t get plastic surgery. That is also not supportive of women if you’re just assuming about the way they look.”

This isn’t the first time Winter has responded to fan’s criticism about her weight.

On Jan. 2, Winter responded to a follower that suggested she used drugs to lose weight.