Status quo. The RA authorities have abandoned Armenia's strategic interests. Eduard Abrahamyan (video)
The highlight of the day | December 4
What steps are the police taking in the fight against drugs (video)
Drivers work 30 days instead of 15 days to get that high salary. Artur Chakhoyan (video)
Drivers notified by WhatsApp are not considered dismissed. lawyer (video)
After the siege, the Armenians of Aleppo held a big gathering. the situation remains tense (video)
I wanted to strangle Aghazaryan when I found out what he did, it's just a shame to tell even the boys (video)
New EU leaders have arrived in Kyiv
Participation in the presidential elections in Romania is more active than 5 years ago
Marine Le Pen will consider the next president illegitimate if she does not participate in the elections
Now is not the time for tactical tricks and deception, but the time for intelligence and responsibility
An investigation has been launched in Spain regarding the incident with the king and the prime minister
An animated film about Ataturk has been banned in Europe
France announced the attempts of the West to organize a color revolution in Georgia
Norway has extended border controls due to the threat of terrorism
Paris allowed the use of French fighters by Kyiv in 2025