Zelensky, U.S. senators, congressmen discuss support for Ukraine
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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has held a video meeting with co-chairs of Ukrainian caucuses and a group of U.S. senators and congressmen.
According to Ukrinform, Zelensky announced this on Twitter.

"We had an important, productive talk with the co-chairs of the Ukrainian caucuses, senators, congressmen on Christmas Eve. We appreciate strong bicameral, bipartisan support for Ukraine. It is especially important for keeping peace and security in the region!" he tweeted.

According to the president's website, the situation in eastern Ukraine and on the country's borders was discussed at the meeting. It was noted that it remains difficult and the withdrawal of Russian forces is not observed. The president briefed U.S. lawmakers on the steps being taken to achieve peace within the existing negotiating formats - the Normandy Four, the Trilateral Contact Group and the Minsk process.

The importance of involving the United States in the peace process was emphasized.

"Now, more than ever, what matters is not words, but decisive action. My goal is to stop the bloodshed in eastern Ukraine. It is impossible to imagine security in Europe without ending the war in Donbas," Zelensky said.

The issue of increasing sanctions pressure on Russia and the Ukrainian-U.S. cooperation in the security sphere was raised separately.

The important role of the Congress in expanding support for the defense sector of Ukraine was noted.

The importance of the United States' support for Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic aspirations and of an understanding of the prospects for the country's joining NATO was emphasized.

"No agreement on Ukraine without Ukraine. No third country can have the right to vote on Ukraine's integration into NATO," Zelensky said.

Read also: Almost 50% of Ukrainians see Russian invasion threat as real
The issues of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline were discussed separately at the meeting. The risks of this geopolitical project, which is an energy weapon against Ukraine and the entire European continent, were noted.

During the conversation, U.S. lawmakers expressed their unanimous support for the Crimea Platform initiative and stressed their continued support for Ukraine's independence and territorial integrity.

Zelensky briefed U.S. senators and congressmen on progress in the land, banking and judicial reforms and the fight against the oligarchic system.