Government will solve problems of doctors working with coronavirus patients - Shmyhal
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The Cabinet of Ministers will systematically solve the problems of doctors working with COVID-19 patients, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal has said.
He stated this at a briefing during his visit to Bila Tserkva, Kyiv region, on Thursday, May 28, according to the website of the Ukrainian government.

Shmyhal said that the government would issue respective instructions to improve the situation with the technical support of emergency medical care stations.

According to him, despite the allocated funds, the situation at emergency medical care stations remains quite difficult.

"There was a signal from the staff of the Bila Tserkva emergency care station. We left with the health minister. There is a typical situation there when the state allocates funds, the National Health Service of Ukraine signs agreements on 100% funding but, in fact, we see no repairs, old vehicles, no supply of medicines, and there are problems with personal protective equipment, and it all rests on the human factor," Shmyhal said.

He said that based on the results of the working trip to Kyiv region, conclusions will be made and relevant instructions would be given to the Bila Tserkva emergency medical care station and this problem would be solved systematically.

"In my opinion, a similar situation exists in many health care facilities, and doctors today are at the forefront of the fight against the coronavirus epidemic. The problem lies in the average level of public management to which there are questions," Shmyhal said.

He said that each medical institution is a municipal non-profit institution and the head of this institution is responsible for its activities.

"The state allocates funds. From April 1, the system is already working under agreements concluded with the National Health Service of Ukraine. According to this system, each institution receives funds for the work with coronavirus patients, and then the head makes decisions and distributes among doctors the funds earned by the institution. And here the question arises as to the fairness of distribution and payment to everyone who worked with coronavirus patients," Shmyhal said.

As of early May 29, Ukraine reported 22,811 coronavirus cases, including 8,934 recoveries and 679 deaths. Some 429 new cases have been recorded in the past 24 hours.