Evacuees from China to be placed in quarantine in Poltava region – Ukrainian Interior Ministry
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Citizens of Ukraine and other countries evacuated from China will be placed under a 14-day quarantine at the Novi Sanzhary medical center in the Poltava region, the press center of the Ukrainian Interior Ministry has reported.
"Special vehicles of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, escorted and guarded by police, will send them to the territory of the Novi Sanzhary medical center of the National Guard of Ukraine in the Poltava region. They will stay there under observation for 14 days amid a strict regime of sanitary and epidemiological control and safety," the report reads.

The ministry said that all unlawful attempts to obstruct the placement of evacuees at the medical center or violations of their observation regime would be stopped by the National Police and the National Guard in accordance with the requirements of the law and a decision of the government staff.

The ministry emphasizes that there are no threats to the health of citizens, active preventive measures are being taken together with the Ministry of Health.

"We call on Ukrainian citizens not to succumb to provocations, not to violate the law, to comply with public order and security, not to commit unlawful acts, and to accept with understanding the need to take such temporary restrictive measures with respect to our citizens and foreigners who need assistance from the state of Ukraine in a difficult situation," the report said.

Earlier reports said that the plane with Ukrainians and foreigners evacuated from China had landed at Kyiv's Boryspil Airport for refueling and would then fly out to Kharkiv.

At the same time, activists blocked a road in the Poltava region protesting against the placement of evacuees from China in the Novi Sanzhary medical center of the National Guard of Ukraine.

A SkyUp Airlines plane carrying 45 Ukrainians and 27 foreigners departed from Wuhan to Ukraine on February 19. On board the aircraft are citizens of Norway, Israel, Belarus, Spain, Montenegro, Argentina, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Panama, and other countries.

According to the latest data, 2,118 people died from the coronavirus infection as of February 20. The number of coronavirus cases in mainland China reached 74,576 people. A total of 16,155 people recovered and were discharged from hospitals.