Poland suggests changing Normandy format
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Poland suggests revising the Normandy format and involving the EU and the US in the negotiations to end Russian aggression against Ukraine.
"Perhaps, it’s time to raise one very important question: is the Normandy format a good institution for solving this problem? ... We support the format as President Zelensky and the Ukrainians support it, but, perhaps, we need to look for other solutions," Polish Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz said during the Ukrainian Lunch at the Munich Security Conference, an Ukrinform correspondent reported.

He noted that the three members of the format - Germany, France and Russia - were seeking opportunities for greater cooperation.

Czaputowicz informed that Poland as UN Security Council non-permanent member [in 2018-2019] tried to involve as many international players as possible in discussing the issue of Ukraine.

“We discussed the possibility of a peacekeeping operation, the inclusion and involvement of the US, possibly the UK, in the debate,” the Polish diplomat emphasized, adding that EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell also could be involved in the discussion.

The Polish Foreign Minister stressed that Russia posed a strategic challenge for the EU countries, in particular Sweden, Poland and others, but this challenge should be responded to not only within the EU but NATO as well.

"We should welcome the involvement of the US in resolving this conflict. Poland will welcome the internationalization of the debate and will wait for the appropriate steps on the part of Ukraine,” Czaputowicz stated.

The Polish minister also noted that Russia was trying to deny its presence in Donbas, attempting to shift responsibility for the situation in the region only to the Ukrainian side.

"But at the same time we know that the presence of exclusive Russian weapons [in Donbas] is a clear confirmation of Russia’s presence in Donbas," the Polish Foreign Minister underscored.