President signs decree to support families raising orphans
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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has signed a decree "On Certain Issues of Ensuring the Rights and Legal Interests of Orphans, Children Deprived of Parental Care, Development and Support for Family Types of Parenting."
He announced this during a meeting with adoptive parents, guardians and foster parents, which took place at the Presidential Office, according to the website of the head of state.

The document will help create proper conditions for the realization of the right of the child to live in the family. It will also support families raising orphans or children deprived of parental care.

Zelensky stressed that he, his wife, as well as representatives of other authorities were willing to support the families who have worked up the courage to raise orphans or children deprived of parental care.

"We really want to help your children and you personally as families, as parents," he said.

He said that he would like to hear the views of the attendees on what the authorities could do in addition to the first steps already implemented. In this context, he particularly emphasized the importance of the experience of each of the adoptive parents and foster parents.

"So that we can get to the happy ending when all children - orphans and children deprived of parental care - are provided with real families, not government bricks called boarding schools. That's why we are ready to speak, we are ready to help," Zelensky added.