Zelensky meets with U.S. senators to discuss support for Ukraine
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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky had a meeting with Democratic Senator Chris Murphy and Republican Senator Ron Johnson on Thursday evening, the president’s press service has reported.
During the meeting, the head of state noted the strong support for Ukraine by both chambers of the U.S. Congress. He thanked the senators from the Ukrainian Caucus for their personal contribution to this support.

“I want to thank our strategic partner - the United States - for the continued support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine,” Zelensky stressed.

The president also expressed gratitude to American lawmakers for their active position regarding the need to provide Ukraine with further assistance in the field of security. Zelensky hopes that the volume of this assistance will increase.

The head of state also noted the consistent policy of U.S. sanctions against Russia, drawing attention to the Russian "passportization" of Ukrainian citizens in Donbas and the need for an appropriate response.

The parties discussed cooperation in the field of energy security, in particular, the importance of diversifying energy supplies to Ukraine by arranging their delivery from the United States. The interlocutors positively noted the memorandum signed between Ukraine, Poland and the United States on the supply of American liquefied gas.

Zelensky thanked the American side for its consistent opposition to the Nord Stream 2 project and expressed hope that the U.S. Congress would decide on sanctions against the companies that took part in it.

The parties also discussed the implementation of reforms in Ukraine. Zelensky noted, in particular, the intention to continue active reforms in the security and defense sector of Ukraine according to NATO standards.