Jennifer Lopez Reveals Exactly What She Eats in a Day to Look SO Amazing
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Jennifer Lopez is about to turn 50 (on July 24 - mark your calendars) and she's marking the occasion with a brand-new tour called "It's My Party: the Live Celebration."

Between the latest string of concert dates, her gig on World of Dance, and the upcoming movie Hustler, the superstar is crushing it on all levels – and she literally doesn't look a day older than 35 when "Jenny from the Block" was on the radio.

J.Lo's a strict believer that her healthy diet is what keeps her looking and feeling so good. "What you eat doesn't just affect your body; it can also affect the way your skin looks," she told Hello!. Piling the right things on her plate also keeps her going through intense workouts, too. (Those six-pack abs didn't just magically appear by themselves.)

"She needs really good fuel for all the things that she's doing," her trainer Tracy Anderson told People. "It's all organic and it's all very well thought out, with the balance of very high quality proteins and a lot of nutrient-dense food … Everything is fresh."

Here's exactly what Jennifer Lopez's diet looks like:

Jennifer often kicks off her day with a shake, she told People. Her go-to smoothie includes berries, Greek yogurt, cinnamon, honey, ice cubes, a squirt of fresh lemon juice, and a scoop of protein powder.

She'll also eat oatmeal with fresh berries, her trainer Dodd Romero told Us Weekly, but J.Lo usually skips coffee unless it's decaf.

"I haven’t had caffeine in years," she told the same publication. Instead, she drink tons of water to stay hydrated, especially before workouts.

For lunch, Jennifer will opt for a veggie-filled salad, like with kale, toasted pumpkin seeds, crumbled queso, minced shallots, and a dressing made with lemon juice and extra-virgin olive oil, according to People. She'll also whip up a salad with salmon, broccoli, peppers, zucchini, and a drizzle of vinaigrette.

If she's at home, J.Lo will sit down with the kids around 6:30 p.m. for dinner, Hollywood Lifereports. Her dinner usually consists of a lean protein with more veggies and complex carbs like brown rice, sweet potatoes, or quinoa.

The quinoa "feels like rice and beans, which I grew up with," she told Us Weekly. "And I like pork and chicken - especially Puerto Rican style!"

For example, she'll pair a grilled chicken breast with sautéed brussels sprouts and baked yams, according to People. Even when she's out, J.Lo knows how to scan menu for the best choices.

"Most restaurants offer healthy, low-calorie meals so I watch for things on the menu that fit my lifestyle,"she told Hello!. "I'll have a salad or some fish with veggies. And I make sure I drink lots of water throughout the meal."

In general, she "stays away from processed foods and gets her nutrients from whole sources," Romero told Us Weekly.

To fuel up for her busy schedule, J.Lo always makes sure she gets protein with her meals. "Protein is my go-to whenever I start having cravings," she said to Hello!. "It fills me up and keeps me full longer. It's a great muscle fuel."

Her favorite sources include egg whites, white turkey meat, chicken breast, grass-fed beef, and fish, such as omega-3-filled salmon and sea bass. She'll also have a handful of nuts a day, Romero told Us Weekly.

J.Lo's other snacks also stick to her plant-based plan: "I also love to relax with my kids after a workout and share a healthy snack with them," she told Hello!. "I always carry fruit and veggies with me to give me something to snack on between meals."

J.Lo's certainly knows how to max out on healthy, nutritious foods, but she's not about total restriction. "Throughout the years I’ve learned the importance of maintaining a healthier […] diet," she People. "I still eat some of the foods I love, but in moderation. I don’t deprive myself."

Fiancé Alex Rodriguez shared on The View that Jennifer's guilty pleasures include chocolate chip ice cream and chocolate chip cookies, and Romano also confirmed she's partial to a cookie. (We are so with you.) Oh, and she's not opposed to a slice of birthday cake either.