Minister Orzhel comments on 3d round of EU-Ukraine-Russia gas transit talks
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During the 3d round of trilateral negotiations on Russian gas transit to the European market via the territory of Ukraine, the parties agreed to intensify efforts to conclude the agreement until January 1, 2020, when the current gas transit contract expires.
"We discussed the issue of gas transportation [after] January 1, 2020. The consultations were very constructive, the parties hear each other. Ukraine takes an active stance on the security of gas supplies as such security means general geopolitical security in the region," Energy and Environmental Protection Minister of Ukraine Oleksiy Orzhel told journalists after the talks, an Ukrinform correspondent reported.

He recalled that the Ukrainian side came to the negotiations with the decisions on the unbundling of the NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine” which determined the necessary steps for transferring a gas transmission system operator from a corporate "parent" company to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. Such a step, according to the minister, should ensure the operational and financial independence of the gas transmission system operator.

"The Russian side has confirmed that they are ready to work according to the European rules. In turn, the European side will support the actions of Ukraine on the certification of gas transmission system. The Ukrainian side provided the parties with a roadmap for implementation [of this process] on how we receive an independent certified gas transmission system operator until January 1, 2020, as well as draft agreements. We also submitted a draft interconnection agreement and a draft transportation agreement," Orzhel noted.

He noted that the Ukrainian side would make every effort in order to conclude the agreements in full compliance with the European energy legislation from January 1, 2020, to ensure safe gas transportation and gas supplies to European markets.

"The parties have agreed to move towards each other as much as possible. However, there is still a risk of not signing a transportation agreement. The Ukrainian side has already confirmed with the appropriate decisions that we will be effective as much as possible in order to sign such a gas transportation agreement," the minister assured.

Earlier, Energy and Environmental Protection Minister of Ukraine Oleksiy Orzhel announced in Kyiv that the Ukrainian side agreed with the European Commission’s proposal to conclude a ten-year contract on securing transit of 60 billion cubic meters of gas annually.

The 3d round of the EU-Ukraine-Russia talks on Russian gas transit to the European market through the territory of Ukraine was held in Brussels on Thursday, September 19.