Petition to cancel Brexit crashes UK parliament website
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An online petition calling on U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May to cancel Brexit by revoking Article 50 has attracted nearly 1 million signatures, crashing the parliament's petitions website Thursday morning.

Andrea Leadsom, leader of the House of Commons, said she has been made aware of technical problems with the site, the BBC reported, but she dismissed the petition as not being of the same significance as the 2016 Brexit referendum.

"Should it reach 17.4 million respondents then I am sure there will be a very clear case for taking action," she told MPs, noting it is "absolutely right that people do have the opportunity to put their views and that can then spark yet another Brexit debate."

The petitions committee apologized on Twitter for the problems with its website, saying “the rate of signing is the highest the site has ever had to deal with.”

“Between 80,000 and 100,000 people have been simultaneously viewing the petition to revoke Article 50,” the committee said, with “nearly 2,000 signatures being completed every minute.”

In the early afternoon on Thursday, the petition had more than 900,000 signatures, well above the 100,000 threshold to be considered for debate in parliament.

May is in Brussels at the European Council summit today to ask the EU27 for a three-month delay to the U.K.'s departure from the bloc. European Council President Donald Tusk said Wednesday that the delay she seeks would only be approved by the EU27 if her deal is voted through by MPs in British parliament.

The European Court of Justice ruled last December that the U.K. could unilaterally revoke Article 50, which means the U.K. can decide to stay in the EU without the consent of the other 27 member states.

British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt told the BBC Today program this morning that if May's deal is defeated for a third time next week, parliament could vote to cancel Brexit, or the EU could push Britain to hold a second referendum, although he described both these options as "unlikely."

Margaret Anne Georgiadou, the initiator of the petition, told the BBC that she "became like every other Remainer – very frustrated that we've been silenced and ignored for so long."

"So I think now it's almost like a dam bursting, because we've been held back in a sense — it's almost like last-chance saloon now," she added.