Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop to become Netflix TV show
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If eating according to the colours of the rainbow and steaming your vagina is just the kind of health advice you crave, get ready. Goop, the new-age lifestyle website of Oscar-winning actor Gwyneth Paltrow, will soon be coming to Netflix, according to reports.

Paltrow and Goop’s chief content officer Elise Loehnen are expected to host a new Goop documentary series, as yet untitled, which is due to start streaming later this year. The 30-minute episodes will reportedly feature doctors, researchers and alternative health practitioners, and other experts on topics of interest to the Goop community.

The brand has already had a hit with its podcast series, in which Paltrow and Loehnen talk to “leading thinkers, culture changers, and industry disruptors”. The podcast has hosted guests like Oprah Winfrey and ballet dancer Misty Copeland, and featured content such as Paltrow discussing how she “cleanses” and “detoxes” with food. It has hundreds of thousands of listeners per week.

Goop have also announced a new partnership deal that will see episodes of the podcast stream on planes within the Delta Air Lines fleet.

Loehnen told Variety that part of the company’s strategy was to tell “bigger stories” and that required a TV budget.

The lifestyle brand is loved and loathed in equal measure. Beginning in 2008 as a newsletter of recommendations emailed weekly by Paltrow, the company has since expanded and is now reportedly worth $250m. Goop and its founder have been criticised for the elitism in recommending extremely expensive products, “wellness summits” that cost thousands of dollars to attend and feature shamans and aura photography, and health advice that ranges from the dubious to frankly bizarre.

In 2018, the company was required to pay out $145,000 over unproven claims it made that inserting jade and rose quartz eggs into the vagina would help various ailments such as irregular menstrual cycles, hormonal imbalance and uterine prolapse.

Current Goop advice includes exploring the benefits of massaging $85 ayurvedic oils between your toes to shake off the winter blues, swallowing parasites to cure autoimmune diseases, and why one of the “must-have” essentials for a romantic weekend away is a $3,490 sex toy made out of gold.