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China has responded to Zelensky's accusations of disrupting a peace conference in Switzerland

Komitas conquered the world with his music. virtuoso violinist Ara Malikyan dedicates the Yerevan concert to the 155th anniversary of Vardapet

Grossi said Iran is increasing its stockpile of enriched uranium to 60%

The CSTO expects that Yerevan will clarify the prospects of its relations with the organization

Mexico has elected its first female president

The session of the Council of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly has started in Almaty

EU and German leaders have announced their support for a new plan for the settlement of the conflict in Gaza

Russia and Ukraine continue to exchange blows

Accident on the Ashtarak-Tallinn highway. the truck driver died

Motor march to Gyumri led by Bagrat Srbazan (direct)

Biden presented Israel's proposal to end the war in the Gaza Strip

Nothing Phone (2a) Special Edition: an even more unusual version of the famous smartphone has been released

The border delimitation process between Armenia and Azerbaijan is of great importance for establishing stability in the region. Zakharova

In Rome, the RA Foreign Minister discussed the Armenia-EU partnership agenda with his Italian counterpart

All of Musk's companies are facing a difficult period due to Tesla's problems. Bloomberg:

North Korea launched about 10 short-range missiles

Borrell announced that the EU intends to create a global network of defense agreements

WaPo. China refused to supply weapons to Russia after the call of the US president

A concert dedicated to the centenary of Charles Aznavour will be held at the Estrada Theater in Moscow


In Turkey, the elected mayor of the city of Hakar was arrested on charges of membership of the Kurdistan Workers' Party
The president of Mexico intends to retire
Switzerland will send 50 military and 4 combat aircraft to Germany for NATO exercises
China has responded to Zelensky's accusations of disrupting a peace conference in Switzerland
Komitas conquered the world with his music. virtuoso violinist Ara Malikyan dedicates the Yerevan concert to the 155th anniversary of Vardapet
Severe heat has killed more than 50 people in India
Grossi said Iran is increasing its stockpile of enriched uranium to 60%
The body of the 25-year-old composer was found at a distance of 70 m from the shore of Sevan and at a depth of 4 m. PS provides details
"Roland Garros". The sensational victory of Elina Avanesyan
The CSTO expects that Yerevan will clarify the prospects of its relations with the organization
Car manufacturers are being searched in Japan on suspicion of production violations
Mexico has elected its first female president
Regular use of peanuts can reduce the probability of allergy from it by 81 percent. NEJM:
Cher has come out in support of her beau after falling out with Travis Scott at Cannes
ENAB membership provides an opportunity for RA to participate in major regional investment programs
The Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia signed the Law on Foreign Agents
In the Czech Republic, the number of people injured by lightning has reached 18
The session of the Council of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly has started in Almaty
Aktobe Open. Shant Sargsyan is the 5th
The main advantage of intermittent fasting for weight loss was noted. Medical Xpress