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Panic symptoms originate in the lateral parabrachial nucleus of the brain. Nature:

Scientists from the Salk Institute for Biological Research (USA) discovered that the mechanism of panic attacks is activated in the so-called "anxiety center of the brain", the lateral parabrachial nucleus (PBL). This small part controls breathing, heart rate and body temperature. The results of the study were published in the journal Nature Neuroscience.
Scientists have studied the brains of mice in order to understand in which structures an anxiety attack begins in a person with panic disorder. It is commonly believed that the striatum, known as the fear center of the brain, is responsible for panic attacks. But when studying the PBL, which is located in the brainstem, the researchers found that this area is also involved in the emotional and physical manifestations of panic disorder. According to the authors of the study, the PBL produces the neuropeptide PACAP (a polypeptide that activates pituitary adenylate cyclase). ), which is known as the main regulator of the stress response. While simulating a panic attack in mice, scientists found that PACAP-producing neurons are activated during a seizure. Once activated, they release the PACAP neuropeptide signaling pathway to another part of the brain called the dorsal nucleus. Neurons with PACAP-receptors are located in it. Effects on these receptor neurons in mice cause increased breathing rate, increased heart rate and panic response. Scientists have hypothesized that artificial inhibition of PACAP signaling can prevent anxiety and panic attacks. According to the researchers, their discovery will serve as a basis for the development of new therapeutic agents that affect PACAP.


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