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Telegram will now provide IP addresses and phone numbers of offenders to law enforcement

According to Telegram's new rules, the messenger will provide law enforcement agencies with the IP addresses and phone numbers of offending users. The information was confirmed by Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov.“To further deter criminals from abusing Telegram search, we've updated our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to ensure consistency around the world. We have made it clear that the IP addresses and phone numbers of those who violate our policies may be disclosed to appropriate authorities in response to reasonable legal requests,” he said.Durov noted that these measures should deter criminals. “Search on Telegram is for finding friends and news, not for promoting illegal products. We will not allow bad actors to compromise the integrity of our platform for nearly one billion users," he noted.He added that Telegram search allows users to find public channels and bots, but unfortunately, this feature has been used by criminals to sell illegal products."Over the past few weeks, a dedicated team of AB moderators has made searching on Telegram much safer. All problematic content we found through our searches is no longer available. If you find something dangerous or illegal in Telegram search, please let us know via @SearchReport,” he noted.We remind you that Pavel Durov is in France, where an investigation is being conducted against him. He cannot leave the country and must report to the police twice a week.


Pashinyan is actually flirting with the Turkish-Azerbaijani tandem. Varduhi Sargsyan
Run away, whoever has a brain in the ranks of this government, run away and save yourself. Mark Hovhannisyan
Genocide is an undeniable fact. Karen Petrosyan
This is an attempt to question the fact of the Armenian Genocide, to remove the moral bar. Eduard Abrahamyan
Ararat Mirzoyan will respond to Pashinyan's immoral statements. Zhanna Aleksanyan
The Armenian community of Abkhazia is in danger
Arush Arushanyan met hotel managers. what did they discuss?
If you don't have what you need to defend, buying weapons also doesn't make sense
RA Ministry of Defense issued a message
Who are the scoundrel descendants of the victims of the Armenian Genocide who listened to Pashinyan's speech and did not raise a voice?
Palestine rejects the idea of ​​forcible displacement of Gaza residents
If no one else has to express themselves, then it is achieving, let's boycott the transport. Narek Margaryan
Poland will not receive a single meter of Belarusian territory. Lukashenko
Public denial of the fact of the genocide is punishable as a criminal offense in Cyprus, Greece, Slovenia, Argentina and Slovakia. lawyer
The plane flying from Moscow to Sochi made an emergency landing
Netanyahu thanked Trump to make promise
The statement of the Armenian Genocide is an anti-educational statement. ARF
Now what do you expect us to throw away those judgments and turn to historians? Gevorg Danielyan
Many people in Armenia are not aware that there is an article criminalizing denial of the Genocide. Samvel Martirosyan
I demand to bring Nikol Pashinyan to criminal responsibility. lawyer

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