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Discussion Procedure for criminal prosecution of Gharib Babayan has started in the Academy of Defender

Based on the reports of criminal prosecution against Gharib Babayan, on the instructions of the Human Rights Defender, a discussion procedure has begun in the staff, within the framework of which clarifications will be required of the competent authorities. The RA Human Rights Defender's Office issued a statement.

Given the legislative requirements for the human rights defender, the legislative requirement of the case, which is part of the competence of other bodies in this stage, highlights the issue of hate speech. From the point of view of criminal procedure practice of provoking and appeals to violence, international standards.

The Human Rights Defender, published in 2023, has referred to the practice of being published in 2023 in the practice of being hateed by hatred and violence in Armenia. As international standards for the problem and the problems of existing practice in Armenia.

According to international legal criteria for the examination of hate speech, all the circumstances that need to take into account the legitimacy of the restrictions on freedom of expression of the hatred are fixed in detail.

According to the statements about public interests, publications, political criticism, political debate, political debate, political debate, political debate, political debate, and that restriction, especially if it is carried out by criminal structures, must It will have obvious significant reasons.

Moreover, the permissible framework for politicians and state authorities is wider than private individuals, and the state should take caution in applying for criminal measures to protect them, especially when there are other measures that are possible to respond to unfair criticism.

According to international standards, a number of circumstances, such as the fact that the addressee of that speech is addressed, should be taken into account in the given society. For example, the European Court of Human Rights, with a disrespectful and disrespectful termination of the police, stressed the need for the police to protect the protection, mocking structures through criminal structures in the context of defense. A body cannot be considered a group of non-defense minority or a group of prejudices, enmity and discrimination group or any other reason vulnerable group.

Based on the analysis of the publication and the competent body, considering the above criteria, the Human Rights Defender considers it a concern to initiate a public criminal prosecution on the Criminal Code. This circumstance may have serious negative consequences for developing hate speeches in the way of developing international standards and the perspective of freedom of speech on this basis.

At the same time, the Human Rights Defender emphasizes that the spread of hate speech, insults, mockery, and defamation of any of the attacks on any features of public servants may be justified in any way. . They not only do not contribute to the proper political dialogue, but also lead to many anti-legal consequences. However, even in this situation, the use of criminal structures to protect such words must have obvious major reasons and corresponds to international standards.

In the context of this stage, the Human Rights Defender refrains from conducting judgments related to the need for the issue related to other circumstances related to the issue related to the issue related to the issue related to the issue. It will be possible to address this in case of other information related to the alleged violations of human rights and received the necessary clarifications.