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Armenia has submitted 4 complaints against Azerbaijan, 1 complaint against Turkey, Azerbaijan has submitted 2 complaints against Armenia. Siranuysh Sahakyan

"Currently, three platforms are used to resolve disputes between Armenia and Azerbaijan," in "Media Center".at the press conferencesaid Siranush Sahakyan, head of the Center for International and Comparative Law, representative of the interests of Armenian prisoners at the ECHR, presenting what ongoing legal disputes there are and what platforms are used.

According to him, the first one is the UN International Court of Justice, one lawsuit was filed by Armenia against Azerbaijan, and a few days later, a similar lawsuit was filed by Azerbaijan against Armenia.

Anyway, the problem is very similar," said S. Sahakyan. He said that in addition to this, the European Court of Human Rights is overloaded with interstate complaints, where 7 interstate cases are ongoing, and hundreds of individual complaints related to torture, violations of the right to life, arbitrary imprisonment, protection of property, identity, etc. .

"Our organization has submitted complaints related to 400 people," S. said. Sahakyan.
Consolidating the interstate complaints, he mentioned that Armenia has submitted 4 complaints to the ECHR against Azerbaijan, 1 complaint against Turkey, Azerbaijan has submitted 2 complaints against Armenia. "This instance has a more limited role, it mainly deals with violations of conventional rights and their protection," said S. Sahakyan.

The third instance is the international arbitration court. "In this court, we have exclusively Azerbaijani lawsuits against Armenia, which were initiated in 2023. They are based on conventions, in particular the Energy Charter Treaty and the Berne Convention, which are related to environmental issues. The main problem is the compensation of damages," said S. Sahakyan. As for giving up lawsuits and does he consider it possible that Armenia will give up lawsuits against Azerbaijan, he said. "Giving up means that Armenia can no longer achieve registration of problems on legal platforms, it cannot do additional political work through them. There are different ways of settling issues.

The main one is political, although the prohibitions of international law still apply to the military way of solving issues, which we witnessed in 2020 and 2023. But the civilized world accepts and still gives vitality to the legal platform of problem solving.  We have been defeated in the political and military arena, and the only exclusive way to restore our rights is the legal one. Refusing it means that we are no longer capable of solving the problems related to the country by using this legal way.

He sees the possibility of giving up claims, which may be under pressure. I think that at this moment, the platform where we have been able to harm the interests of Adbejan is the legal platform.
At this stage, we have interim acts that record violations, present demands to Azerbaijan, which Azerbaijan does not fulfill, but political reactions follow them. Figuratively speaking, we were able to hurt Azerbaijan only on the legal platform.

The element of justice is absent in political platforms, any type of decisions can be made based on expediency. Since Azerbaijan is more correctly positioned in political platforms, the latter tries to reach a political solution to the issue, ignoring legal guidelines.

This is the reason why they are pressuring the Armenian side to give up legal claims, to rely exclusively on agreements reached through political means, which cannot reflect their state and national interests in the case of weak states. Therefore, I do not rule out such a possibility, but, I think, it will not happen a decision made under free will, but a decision imposed on the Armenian side under external pressure."



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