Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan visited the Ministry of Defense on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the formation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia.
With the participation of the units of the Armed Forces, a march took place, after which a solemn sitting with the participation of the Higher Officer of the ZU.
Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Defense Minister Suren Papikyan performed. In his speech, the Prime Minister, in particular, noted.
"Dear Minister of Defense of the Republic, Dear Minister of Defense, Ministers of the Armed Forces, Gentlemen, Gentlemen, Gentiles, Ladies and Gentlemen, Congratulations on the 33rd anniversary of the formation of the Republic of Armenia and I want to first. Thank you for your present and all the missing servicemen for your service to the Republic of Armenia.
I would like to thank all the members of your families who encourage you to carry out this difficult mission with honor and unwavering.
In my opinion, members of your families serve you equally, whether they wear a military uniform or not, and their service deserves great appreciation. Today we bow and kneel before all our martyrs. And every time we need to return to the question of how much the most important and best way to respect the memory of our martyrs. I have offered the answer to this question several times and I am convinced of that answer, it is a developed, prosperous, safe, free and happy Armenian republic.
More glorious monument may not be our martyrs, and we have to respect our martyrs. He was also financed by a foundation, which he created the Diaspora Armenian family to honor his ancestors to perpetuate them.
I am convinced of course, that they have funded monuments of their ancestors, which is a very important ceremony for our tradition, but from one moment they have decided to perpetuate the memory, livelihood, and the continuity of life, and a person serving. Invest. , developed, prosperous, happy. And in this regard, I want to look at the perception that we have had more than the first days of the creation of our republic in the future.
But I want to apologize first of our armies, servicemen, our soldiers, now I will say why. All leaders want and need to be patriotic, all politicians want and should be patriotic, all citizens want and should be patriotic, all the hosts want and should be patriotic. But the problem is that we make the whole responsibility of our patriotism and patriotism on the soldier. We put the responsibility of everything and all things on the soldier. We say, with a disguise of our state-building, the soldier will do his job.
We say, the soldier, therefore, the soldier must do his job, and the army must do his job. We say to fill our economy shortcomings, de, is done for a soldier, the soldier will do his job. And we often put unbearable cargo on the shoulders of the soldier and the army, and those cargo is formed everywhere, and everywhere to be patriotic. But what do I suggest not to be a patriot? Let's say, of course, I don't recommend such a thing.
I suggest that our model of patriotism is responsible not only on the army and the soldier, not only the army and the soldier, but all the layers of our society and the state, take that responsibility and take our object of patriotism. Being such that our content of patriotism is such that Chzohehabi soldier was the reason why I was talking a lot and suggest that the "Homeland is the state" is the model to give us the opportunity. Develop the state, the second, not to load unbearable cargo on our soldier and the army. And we need to make it clear that we adopt the model of patriotism that our army offers our soldier a very specific task, to protect our internationally recognized security, our territories. And this is the model on which we need to build our new, updated, updated, fruited army. This is the basis on which we need to implement the army's concept that has already been approved by the Security Council.
This is the basis on which we have to set a clear task that yes in the Republic of Armenia, servicemen should have sufficient, dignified material security. This is the basis on which we can emphasize, the military service is also a job that needs to be well-being for the families of servicemen. This is the path that no one will have the opportunity to question our Legitimate Law. And by the way, I want to tell you that it is due to the adoption of this concept that we have managed to diversify our relations in the security sector.
Otherwise, we do not have that opportunity, and I think those present knows very well. Therefore, it is very important that the Republic of Armenia, politicians, the government, the public are concreted in its model of patriotism, because we adopt the model of patriotism, which we adopt it on the shoulders of the soldier, the army.
We need to know what burden on our army's shoulders, we must understand that the burden is tolerable or unbearable. Our military, glory, never murmur, but they will not complain. And we should not use a decent posture to put their shoulders unbearable. We should not use our patriotism responsibility for their shoulders and to target them. And on this basis, yes, we are implementing the deep reforms of the army, and on this basis we will have a strong, a defensive army.
In this case, no one will be able to question our right to a defensive army, no one can doubt our right to have a prosperous military, can no doubt our right to have a strong state, a prosperous and developed state. I have said for that state and again I want to say the existence and consciousness of the officer class. is the state?
Yes, it is true that we should not hide the shortcomings, but we should not hide the shortcomings of the army, neither the government's shortcomings, the shortcomings of the private sector. It is unfair that. Everyone notices the shortage of the army, but it is said that you see the figure of the other's eye, you don't see the log of his own eye. This is our direction, see the disadvantages of the army, but see the connection of the army with each of us, because the army is not from the air, the army is formed in kindergarten, school, burial, working groups. There is no problem today in the army, albeit a drawback, which was not born outside the army.
There is no such problem. All the problems of the army were born outside the army, all the problems, that the problems can be developed in the army a little, changed, but there is no problem, the army is that we can say that the army created this problem. There is no problem. All the problems come to the army from our families, our homes, our districts, our schools, our kindergartens, our students, our weddings, and we need to understand, and we understand this. We are because you need to know that the government understands it. I don't want to make an impression that there is a problem in the army, no matter who is involved in our skin. Because, especially in this position, when you are busy with many problems in everyday life, these problems are not possible.
Today is the 33rd anniversary of our army, in a national security strategy, which will be changed in the near future, but we have included the army in the first lines of our national values. Yes, the army is a state value, the first of the Republic of Armenia, statehood, independence, the army, army, armed forces, and the army and armed forces are first. And people need to feel appreciated, people need to feel respected and people need to feel decent. I want to thank all of you again for your service.
You need to know that we are proud of you, we hope for you, and I am convinced that the Republic of Armenia will make it a safe, developed, happy, protected state with its 29743 square kilometers. And we are on the road with each other.
Glory to the martyrs and live the Republic of Armenia.