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The poisonous fruits of an atmosphere of intolerance and hostility. and who complains about all this? "Fact"

"Fact" daily writes:

More than 6 years have passed since the change of power in 2018, but there was still no case when a professional or substantive discussion took place both in the political and public spheres, and even more so in the parliament, where the majority of deputies who are part of the ruling political force they entered the parliament under Pashinyan's "shwak" and work as "button pushers" or, as the kpakans themselves described it, as "backpackers". Especially in the case of a parliamentary republic of governance, the legislative body is for different opinions to collide, to reveal the invisible sides of the discussed topics, to reveal the optimal solutions and to adopt decisions arising from the interests of the state and society.

But instead of real discussions, consideration of the pros and cons of issues and reasoned views, we have witnessed low-level conversations, mutual insults, fights, abuse of street vocabulary, flat "humors" of hoodlums, etc. All this cannot be accidental, because it comes from the behavior of the leader of the ruling political force.

Not only did he not take any steps for objective discussions and finding solutions to the problems, but he always gave the tone to scoring points at the expense of spreading rumors and naked accusations. For example, when Pashinyan was an opposition member of parliament, he talked a lot about news hanging in the air. He also worked as a journalist and editor-in-chief in the same style.

Now he acts exclusively in the same way as the Prime Minister. Although, for constructive and in-depth discussions, one must first be able to perform in-depth analysis, and Pashinyan and his team mostly have superficial ideas on the social network level about various issues. In other words, from a professional point of view, these people are just bareheaded. In other words, if the authorities enter the field of substantive discussions and argumentation, they will lose and find themselves on the political sidelines.

That is why, when it comes to the exchange of opinions and justifications in the substantive field, they immediately start accusing, criticizing, preaching hatred and moving the issue into the field of mutual insults. And then, what kind of civilized debate can we talk about when Pashinyan's the seizure of power and tenure were marked by sharp manifestations of hatred. As they came to power with hatred and coffins, they continue to hold office.

First of all, they divided the political field into past and present, black and white, revolutionaries and counter-revolutionaries, pitting people against each other. In this context, the people of Artsakh have also become targets of hostility.

The hatred of Nikol Pashinyan and other "nikols" towards Artsakh and the people of Artsakh is not new, but now it is being expressed more emphatically. Well, in this sense, the opposition is "permanent". the hoodlums make the parliamentary opposition a target of hatred on a daily basis, and the law enforcement officers, having abandoned their real task, think how to deal with them.

Moreover, what do the authorities do when questions arise related to their destruction and destructive rule? For years, we have memorized that the former leaders are responsible for everything negative, the former leaders are to blame for all the tragedies that befell us, they agreed to hand over Artsakh, they looted the country, that's why we are in this state and so on. And after all this, Nikol Pashinyan announces that "it turns out that we don't know how to talk, from the 15th minute we take the chairs and put them on each other's heads". As they say, really? And has he ever seen himself in the mirror, or has he forgotten what kind of hysteria he constantly falls into, especially in the parliament, when the opposition parties ask sharp questions and accusations, or has he forgotten what kind of hatred and hostility he has preached for years? ... The series can be continued for a long time, but it is pointless. We reap what we sow. the results of the generation of Pashinyan and "Sorosian" bile, hatred and enmity over a long period of time could not have been like this...HG.-While Pashinyan was announcing at the government session about creating a culture of talking, the security officers were dragging Ruben Hakobyan wildly in the parliament, what is he? made harsh remarks to the authorities. This is Nikol Pashinyan's "democracy" and "speaking culture".



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