Baku has acquired the agreement on the text and is not in a hurry to sign it. Why? political scientist

SIBIGA. Ukraine hopes to end the conflict in 2025
Trump administration must determine the fate of Resolution 907 (video) in the next 1-2 months
The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has announced the readiness of Kiev to end the conflict
Putin and Trump will discuss issues of normalization of relations. Kremlin
Trump administration considers the possibility of recognizing the Russian territory of Crimea (video)
The Baltic states called on the Convention for Progressing Anti-Personal Mines
After talking to Trump, Peskov answered the question about Putin's speech
The UN Secretary-General responded to the Gaza Street to Israeli's air strikes
Hamas expressed the death of the hostage during the Israeli Air Force attack on Gaza
"We trust you in the region." Trump, Erdogan
C Nkhinpin will visit the United States in the near future. Trump
The normalization of relations between Russia and the United States will improve the situation in the center of Europe
Sky. The military advisers of the guardians of the Islamic Revolution of Iran have been killed during US strikes on Yemen
The strategic partnership between Georgia and Azerbaijan is directed throughout Hv. The development of the Caucasus. Bochorishvili
The Pentagon has confirmed the resumption of full-fledged support to the Ukrainian armed forces
The Taliban called on the UN mission to stop propaganda on Afghanistan
The Turkish journalist who visited Armenia presented Yerevan as a "Turkish"
China hopes to return to a peace agreement in the Gaza Strip
The issue of the future of RFE / R / K is on the agenda of the EU Foreign Ministers
Rubions considers Iran responsible for US threats by Huts