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Telegram will now provide IP addresses and phone numbers of offenders to law enforcement

According to Telegram's new rules, the messenger will provide law enforcement agencies with the IP addresses and phone numbers of offending users. The information was confirmed by Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov.“To further deter criminals from abusing Telegram search, we've updated our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to ensure consistency around the world. We have made it clear that the IP addresses and phone numbers of those who violate our policies may be disclosed to appropriate authorities in response to reasonable legal requests,” he said.Durov noted that these measures should deter criminals. “Search on Telegram is for finding friends and news, not for promoting illegal products. We will not allow bad actors to compromise the integrity of our platform for nearly one billion users," he noted.He added that Telegram search allows users to find public channels and bots, but unfortunately, this feature has been used by criminals to sell illegal products."Over the past few weeks, a dedicated team of AB moderators has made searching on Telegram much safer. All problematic content we found through our searches is no longer available. If you find something dangerous or illegal in Telegram search, please let us know via @SearchReport,” he noted.We remind you that Pavel Durov is in France, where an investigation is being conducted against him. He cannot leave the country and must report to the police twice a week.


Zakharyan's return to the field is postponed again
Forbes: Ukraine's public debt has reached 92 percent of GDP
Today's session of the CP ended with a struggle. ArmLur:
Any so-called "testimony" obtained by violence in Baku cannot be the basis for changing our opinion. Reverend Bagrat
Strongly conflicting interests of Armenia and Pashinyan. Andranik Tevanyan
The initiators of Eurovote welcome the Government's decision
Overchuk compared Armenia's EU membership aspirations to buying a ticket to the Titanic
All Russian airlines will provide a 50 percent discount for children's tickets
"And who among us knows exactly what he will do in the event of a war? Daniel Ioannisyan
We are saddened by the news about the raging fires in California. RA MFA
What was discussed at the CP session?
Azerbaijan temporarily stopped gas supply to Bulgaria
The plane made an emergency landing in Sheremetyevo
It is not ethical and moral to compare the concept of Western Armenia with the concept of "Western Azerbaijan". Eduard Abrahamyan
Pashinyan congratulated the newly elected president of Lebanon
A delegation from Armenia is sent to the Netherlands
Aliyev scares with war, but where is Suren Papikyan? Couldn't he strengthen the army in 4 years?
Are there any Armenian citizens among those who died as a result of fires in California?
Hadjizade responded to Nikol Pashinyan
A number of NSS employees were awarded with a commemorative medal of the RA Prime Minister

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How Armenia will use the satellite does not concern our Spanish partners at all. Minister of BTA

Actor Hovhannes Davtyan is celebrating his 40th birthday

I don't know where the statue of Jesus will be placed, but it will definitely not be placed in the area of ​​the monument. Andreasyan (video)

At the moment, we are not discussing the unification program of individual universities. Zhanna Andreasyan

We remind you once again that the historical and cultural values ​​of Artsakh are in danger of destruction. Hovik Avanesov

Vache Tovmasyan attended the "Golden Globe" award ceremony (video)

Sirun Minas published warm photos with her husband

Composer Gevorg Hovannisyan died

A new New Year's video from Leo, the representative of Armenia in "Junior Eurovision 2024".

Actor Hrachya Harutyunyan with his granddaughter Zabel visited the theater before the New Year (video)

On January 1 and 2, the History Museum of Armenia will be open for visitors at 12:00-16:00

Armenian Gata was introduced as "Azerbaijani pastry"

Exclusive manuscripts were exhibited in the Matenadaran

I consider unacceptable such behavior towards school staff. Garnik Danielyan

The State Symphony Orchestra of Armenia will make a tour in China

Ohan Petrosyan died

Gold commemorative medal of the National Academy of Medical Sciences on the occasion of Levon Malkhasyan's 80th birthday

Ornament of the Armenian carpet in the Azerbaijani "Victory Park"

A number of historical and cultural objects have received the status of monuments

There have been five powerful flares on the Sun