Two days ago, MediaHub published an article with the caption "Rustam Badasyan managed to terrorize businessmen before leaving."
In the article, we described how the State Revenue Committee led by Badasyan literally terrorized the businessmen, that if they did not submit the written acts, they would initiate a criminal case and send them to detention. And this is when the SRC knew very well that the acts written by them can be appealed and canceled by the court.
Some businessmen terrorized by the State Revenue Committee headed by Rustam Badasyan told us about this.
After this publication, we were contacted by other businessmen who told us that they were recently blackmailed and terrorized by the taxman, and also told how the tax inspectors barbarically invaded their companies, intimidated the employees, wrote and issued unjustified bills of millions of drams. came We were also told that some of the inspectors, feeling bad about their actions, admitted in private conversations that they "have a plan on their necks" and are forced to do so in order to fill the budget.
And the reason is the budget written by the Ministry of Finance, the executor of which is the SRC, and the SRC is also tasked with providing the indicators written by the Finance Ministry at any cost.
We wrote that the reason for Badasyan's removal was also the disagreement with the policies conducted by Finnakh and the figures drawn. But, it turns out, Rustam Badasyan did not bear any good fruit, treating both SRC employees and businessmen from the positions of a despot and a "terrorist".
And here, next year, with the 2025 budget, much worse days await both businessmen and all of us.
The point is that the budget for 2025, which we wrote about again, is made up of even more unrealistic and exaggerated figures, and now the SRC has to carry out even bigger "terrorist acts" against businessmen, as well as ordinary citizens who submit declarations from next year. against being able to provide the figures of the budget written by finnakh. And these figures were compiled and ordered by the Deputy Minister of Finance Eduard Hakobyan, whom Nikol Pashinyan appointed the chairman of the SRC a few days ago.
We were told that after Badasyan's release, Nikol Pashinyan considered the candidacies of other high-ranking officials of the SRC, former and present, in the search for the chairman of the SRC after Badasyan's release, but all of them rejected him. In particular, Pashinyan first proposed SRC deputy chairman, coordinator of the customs bloc, Karen Tamazyan, to take over Badasyan's seat. however, Tamazyan rejected Pashinyan's offer.
Tamazyan, they say, one way or another, is in the status of the shadow president of the SRC and manages the system from below, besides, he realized that he will not be able to get out from under the budget written by Finnakh, and he preferred to remain in the status of "gray cardinal". rather than become the president of the State People's Committee and "get spoiled", and in the end, get rid of the post by SMS.
In the same way, the candidacy of Rafik Mashadyan, the former deputy chairman of the SRC, a long-time cadre of the former, was also proposed, whom Pashinyan dismissed from his position in August 2021.
But Mashadyan, according to our information, again rejected Pashinyan's proposal for the same reason, because he considered that implementing the numbers of the 2025 budget written by Finnakh is simply unrealistic. In short, Mashadyan did not want to become a "terrorist" either.
The third candidate, whose name was circulated in the press, is Pashinyan's teammate, the head of the PPS, Romanos Petrosyan, whose dream was to become the SRC president.
We were told that Pashinyan also offered him to occupy that position, but even with the prospect of his dream coming true, Romanos refused to assume the position of SRC chairman, because they put the numbers of the 2025 budget in front of him and said, "Are you ready to fulfill these numbers?" Romanos also realized that these are not reasonable numbers, and rejected Pashinyan's proposal.
In the end, the choice of Nikol Pashinyan stopped on the author of this unrealistic budget project, Deputy Minister of Finance Eduard Hakobyan. He was directly told: "You drew up the budget, you should also implement it", and Hakobyan agreed to become the new "terrorist" in the SEP, swearing loyalty to Pashinyan, that he is ready to make the budget numbers he wrote come true at any cost.
And this will be done both at the cost of tearing the skin of the people and at the cost of blackmailing and terrorizing businessmen with even harsher methods.