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Accusations were presented to the former member of Arabkir community council and the accountant of the garbage collection company

2005-2007 was completed in the Department of Investigation of General and Electoral Crimes of the Main Department of the Investigation Committee of the RA Investigative Committee. in the case of multiple corruption crimes committed using criminal schemes in the former Arabkir district administration of Yerevan city, as well as cases of embezzlement of money collected for community garbage collection as early as 2019. The investigation of the last, third part, separated from the criminal proceedings initiated in December, regarding another former member of the Arabkir Community Council and the accountant of the garbage collection company.

Earlier, the RA Investigative Committee reported that in 2005-2007 In the meantime, the preliminary investigation was completed with respect to H. Sh., who held the position of head of the Arabkir community, and 4 members of the former council of elders, as well as with the mayor of Yerevan and two other persons, and the materials of the proceedings were sent to the court with an indictment.

In relation to the mentioned crimes, the factual data obtained during the preliminary investigation phase of the proceedings also substantiated the fact that E.K., among other members of the council of elders of the former Arabkir district community of Yerevan city, apparently committed a number of abuses during his term of office. data was received that the former members of the council of elders of Arabkir community, including E.K., abusing their official powers, for the sake of group interests, used their official position against the interests of the service, as a result of which 158,500,000 RA was caused to the community. AMD property damage.

In particular, the property expropriation committee of the Arabkir community owned the apartment No. 60 of building 3 Mamikonyants Street, building 23 of Papazyan Street and the 126.6 square meter non-residential area (basement) of building 8 Komitas Street in different months of 2006. with the conclusions found it appropriate to expropriate by auction. Taking into account that the areas in question are not leased to anyone and are actually free, in order to carry out the process of their expropriation, the 10 members of the former Arabkir Community Council of Elders, including E.K. The conclusions of the commission for expropriation of property belonging to the Arabkir community, based on other personal interests, using their official position against the interests of the service, made decisions according to which the above-mentioned apartment with a total area of ​​79 square meters belonging to the Arabkir community, the house of Culture with an area of ​​446.75 square meters, and building 8 on Komitas Street, The sales of the non-residential area with an area of ​​126.6 square meters were carried out by auction, setting a starting price much lower than the cadastral and market value: 3,350,000 AMD, 108,066,000 AMD and 1,370,000 AMD, respectively.

This is in the case when the market value of the mentioned areas in the mentioned period was 13,600,000, 167,410,000 and 33,860,000 AMD, respectively. the decisions by which the aforementioned territories entrusted to him by law were put up for auction and later sold at the starting price were squandered, causing particularly large property damage to the community.

Then, the former head of the Arabkir district community, acting as the organizer of the auction organized in connection with the sale of the mentioned areas, with other personal motivations, signed and approved the protocols on alienating the real estate by auction, after which, based on the decision of the council of elders of the Arabkir community, the false protocols prepared on the results of the auction, using his official position, signed and approved decrees by which contracts were drawn up for the sale of the above-mentioned areas, and between persons directly related to the former head of the community and the community, contracts for the sale of the above-mentioned areas were signed, they were sold with the right of ownership, at a much lower than market value, and then the property acquired persons sold them to other persons at fair market value.

In addition, the investigation proved that during 2007-2008, CJSC employees collected a total of AMD 103,692,392 from individuals and legal entities for garbage collection in the Arabkir community of Yerevan and handed it over to the accountant of the CJSC, which carries out garbage collection in the Arabkir community ( died in 2010).

The latter, having legally received the large amount of money entrusted to him by the company, from it, on the instructions of the company's sole participant and director, entered the municipal budget only AMD 24,459,926, and transferred the rest of the money to the latter, thereby stealing from the company together with them on legal grounds. received AMD 79,232,466, causing the company particularly large property damage.

Based on the obtained sufficient facts, the accountant of the PB company was charged under Article 179, Part 3, Clause 1 of the former Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia, and E.K., one of the members of the Council of Elders, was charged under Article 308, 2 of the former Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia. in part (3 episodes).

Taking into account that the accused (in one case, the legal representative) did not agree to the non-exculpatory, in particular to the expiration of the statute of limitations in the case of one, and to the termination of the criminal prosecution on the grounds of death, in the case of the other, the criminal proceedings with the indictment drawn up against them were transferred to the RA Prosecutor's Office to resolve the issue of sending it to court. for the purpose", it is said in the message. Notice: the person accused of a crime is considered innocent until his guilt is proven in accordance with the procedure established by the RA Criminal Procedure Code, by a legally binding court verdict.


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