Italian Prime Minister Giorga Meloni has launched an investigation into the Libyan Police Police (ICRC) to release a Libyan police officer, the Italian government's decision, Reuters reports.
According to the agency, Osama Elmasri Najim was arrested in Turin for crimes against humanity, including murder, torture and rape in Turin. However, a few days later he was released and sent a house on the Italian state plane. The ICC requested explanations, noting that they did not consult with him about the decision to release Najim. And the Prosecutor General of Rome Francesco Lev Voy has launched an investigation into the suspicion of "supporting the crime and use state funds not purposeful".
"I will not allow me to blackmail, I will not allow me to intimidate, and it is possible that it is not that those who do not want Italy do not want to change," he said. The video message published on his pages of social networks. It is also been clarified to investigate other Italian politicians, Minister of Justice Carlo Nordo, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Alfredo Mantovano. According to Meloni, the investigation began on the initiative of lawyer Luigi Lee Zone, which reported a complaint. Lee Gotti told Reuters that his move was needed for both human rights and the dignity of all citizens of Italy.
Meloni said that before I reached Italy, Najim visited three European countries within 12 days, but only after entering Italy, the ICC asked him to arrest him. Najim is a general general of the Libyan Judicial Police Brigade. Reuters reminds that the Meloni government largely depends on Libyan security forces to prevent migrants from the south of Italy.