Smartphones are undoubtedly our friends, but at the same time they are also our enemies. On the one hand, they help us stay connected, solve everyday problems and have fun, but on the other hand, excessive use of smartphones can have a negative effect on health, causing problems with sleep, reducing concentration and increasing feelings of anxiety.
Especially if you take them in the first minutes after opening your eyes in the morning.
And this, as statistics show, is quite a common story. Several million people around the world are the first to pick up their mobile phones after waking up. presents several reasons why you should not pick up the phone immediately after waking up
Why not pick up your smartphone right after waking up?
The consequences of such a habit were discussed by the psychologist and member of the committee of the British Psychological Society, Antonio Kalentis. According to him, checking notifications and news after waking up spoils the mood of the whole day.
"When you wake up, your brain is in a state called 'sleep inertia,' a slow transition between sleep and wakefulness. This is a difficult period when your cognitive functions have not yet fully recovered."
That's why the flood of information we receive from the Internet immediately after waking up can lead to mental fatigue before we even get out of bed.
Stressful news, messages, or notifications can prematurely activate the body's stress response, reducing the rest time your body needs to get through the day effectively.
Also, it's incredibly hard on the eyes. After a few hours of darkness, your eyes need some time to adjust to daylight, and the blue light from your gadgets doesn't give them that time. Exposing them to bright light directly from the screen can cause discomfort and irritability that can last throughout the day,” Kalentsis explains.
After all, using your phone right after waking up can be a productivity killer, dragging you into a vortex of distractions and preventing you from focusing on the things that really matter.
The psychologist recommends leaving the phone in another room at night, or at least at the other end of it, and using a watch or smart speaker as an alarm clock instead of a phone.
The first minutes after waking up should be spent on physical exercises, taking a shower and drinking morning coffee. this will help get rid of a bad habit.