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A 28-year-old person obstructed the activities of the patrols, hit the patrol car with a stone

2024 in the investigative department of RA. In the preliminary investigation of the criminal proceedings initiated on October 15, factual data was obtained regarding the citizen's interference with the legal service activities of the RA MIA Police patrol service officers and damage to the patrol service car on the specified day.

In particular, the investigation revealed that while on duty from 04:05, the officers of the patrol service conducted an operation to record the administrative offense committed by the driver of the "Nissan" car near the intersection of Komitas Avenue-V. Vagharshyan Streets in Yerevan. During that time, a man running from the sidewalk with a stone in his hand approached the patrol car parked at the mentioned place and, with the direct intention of interfering with the aforementioned legal service activities of the patrols, threw a stone in the direction of the car, damaging the trunk, the roof and the glass on the trunk, after which he resorted to escape.

However, the mentioned person was caught by the patrol officers and taken to the investigation department of the RA Investigative Committee of the Arabkir Administrative District, where the body implementing the proceedings made a decision to arrest him on the basis of a reasonable suspicion that he had committed a crime.

It was found that the person, who is 28 years old and does not have a permanent place of residence, was in a state of alcohol intoxication.

During the inspection, the stone thrown at the patrol car was found and taken away.

An examination of the video taken from the video recording device at the scene of the incident was carried out, and a forensic examination was appointed.

With the presence of sufficient grounds obtained, the said person was charged with committing a criminal act provided for by Article 452, Part 2 of the RA Criminal Code, in which the latter pleaded guilty, stating that he regrets what happened.

A petition was submitted to the court by the body conducting the proceedings to choose detention as a preventive measure against him, which was rejected by the court's decision, noting that it is possible to ensure the fulfillment of his judicial duties by the accused by using a milder alternative preventive measure, the choice of which should be resolved during the proceedings. by the implementing body.

The investigator imposed an absence ban on the 28-year-old man as a preventive measure.

The investigation is ongoing.

Notice: A person accused of a crime is considered innocent until his guilt is proven by a legally binding court verdict in accordance with the procedure established by the RA Criminal Procedure Code.


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