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"The government is weak, the number of illiterates in the government is increasing instead of decreasing. we know who will be our members of the government in case of becoming the government". "Fact"

"Fact" daily writes:

Months ago, "Fact" wrote that the head of the "All-Armenian Front" movement, former Minister of Defense, Major General Arshak Karapetyan is creating a public tribunal of National Pride. The goal is for "the current authorities of Armenia to take responsibility and be punished for their treasonous policies." On October 2, the decision of the tribunal was published, which the members of the "All-Armenian Front" party officially conveyed to the Constitutional Court, the National Security Service, the General Prosecutor's Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the 3 factions of the National Assembly. The decision specifically states that Nikol Pashinyan has taken the path of betraying the Armenian people and our historical homeland. "Coming to an agreement with the enemies of Armenia, the accused voluntarily surrendered Artsakh, deprived the people of Artsakh of their home and family hearth, sentenced them to suffering and wandering. During his tenure as Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan grossly violated the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia. Secretly, without a referendum and the consent of the people, he decided to transfer the Armenian lands to Azerbaijan and implemented this decision with the support of Baku and Ankara, which received the approval of the West. The National Pride Tribunal justifies that Pashinyan not only committed treason, but also violated the Constitution both in the process of depopulation of Artsakh and false border demarcation with Azerbaijan. Accordingly, the tribunal proposes to express popular distrust and contempt to Nikol Pashinyan, to deprive him of the right to be considered an Armenian, to deprive him of the moral right to speak on behalf of all Armenians, to deprive him of political legitimacy and the right to make decisions on behalf of the people of Armenia, to call on the Prime Minister to voluntarily resign, to repent in front of the Armenian people and leave. On this occasion, "Past" spoke with Arshak Karapetyan to find out how he plans to implement the decision of the tribunal. "The tribunal is made up of professionals: historians, lawyers, including those specialized in international fields. I assure you that it is a historical document for the Armenian people. There will come a time when it will become a study material in schools, our generations will use it to analyze the actions of the current leadership and the current reality. We have always said that we have plans, a road map, we know how we will achieve our goal, we know the deadlines and we are moving towards our goal. What about the tribunal and what we do about it? According to the law, we will wait 30 days for feedback, there will be feedback, we will study it, there won't be, we will understand that they were afraid, they decided to accept it silently. After that, we have a planned list of further steps that we will implement. The decision of the tribunal is not the property of the "All-Armenian Front" movement, we do not aim to protect copyrights. We welcome when other parties or movements recognize this and take appropriate actions. The decision of the tribunal will be for all of us," says Karapetyan. He emphasizes that the Armenian government is not fulfilling the tasks set before it today. "The ruling power has a majority in the National Assembly, the opposition is represented by a certain percentage ratio, whose representatives are also involved in various committees of the National Assembly. They show themselves from opposition positions, it turns out that they should also have a large number of supporters on the street today. But I think that the discrediting of the ruling power, the government "takes" the opposition forces, which are in the National Assembly today, behind it. While not evaluating the steps of the parliamentary opposition, at the same time I do not see their road map. In a warring country, we should have much more serious power, only under those conditions we could build our security and well-being. Unfortunately, the government is weak, the number of illiterate people in the government is increasing instead of decreasing, Artsakh is being handed over, and there are only complaints in the form of statements, and almost no actions. There is talk of the Supreme Court's decision to reject the Declaration of Independence. It is clear that the Constitutional Court will do what it is told with one call from Republic Square. Judges should respect themselves and their path. They constantly talk about justice, but recently I don't see justice in the decisions of the Supreme Court, I don't see a decision that will protect our motherland," the leader of the "All-Armenian Front" movement noted. He emphasizes that Armenia is in a very difficult situation, we are facing destruction. "Armenia has not been in such a situation in the last hundred years. We are now disgraced and our leadership has accepted the disgrace. We will get the war later, it may be disastrous for us if it continues like this. But everything will be fine. We have a clear plan where everything is planned, we know how we see Armenia when the current authorities leave. Our party has a program that refers to the development of the Armenian state in the next 15 years. We will implement it, we know what steps we should take in foreign policy, where we should withdraw our signatures, that the documents should have our signature again, we know how our economy should develop. We have a clear program developed by specialists. We know who our members of the government will be in case of becoming the government," says Karapetyan. The situation in the economy is also bad. People started to live poorly, social burden increased, taxes and fees increased. "If a government does not have a long-term plan, then the situation should be like this. Thanks to the low-level specialists, we do not have an explosion in the economy so far. The streak of inflation and the decline in the social condition of the people is the result of wrong policies. How can an illiterate reform? If a person is offered a position as a minister, but he has no idea about that field, then if he loves his country, he should refuse the offer. I hear different news from different fields and I am amazed. We are the worst socially living nation in our region and the country with the most debt. This indicates that there is no state program, only situational decisions by illiterate people. We have developed the concept of "social package of a citizen of the Republic of Armenia". We will publish it in the near future, we will organize various conferences, round tables, and then we will talk about it in more detail. The main focus is on the health system, there are also important initiatives. For example, we will exempt individuals from taxes. The other day, representatives of the law enforcement system spoke in the parliament, talking about how much money they "brought" to the budget. It was an impression that they were representatives of the tax system, not law enforcement. At the same time, they said that we have a 60 percent increase in the number of crimes. Today there is no crime prevention action plan. They are busy not with real work, but with drawing criminal cases on this or that politician. But this should be done by a political force that has betrayed its own plan? And they betrayed their plan for which people chose them. Let them say which part of their plan they have fulfilled," our interlocutor notes. We end the conversation with an optimistic observation. "Our victory is ahead because we are fighting. The people who surrender are lost, and those who always fight win," concludes Major General Arshak Karapetyan.


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