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What reprimands did Gagik Tsarukyan have in Moscow? Clarification

Gagik Tsarukyan's spokesperson Iveta Tonoyan wrote:

"In response to many media questions regarding Gagik Tsarukyan's recent visit to Moscow, I would like to give the following clarifications.

Gagik Tsarukyan often goes on business trips to different countries, and, yes, recently he was also in the capital of Russia. There is nothing unusual here. Gagik Tsarukyan had meetings with political and social circles, influential representatives of the Armenian community.

Gagik Tsarukyan has always advocated and supports Armenian-Russian bilateral relations, which involves all, including painful and difficult issues and a wide range of interests.

There were discussions, interesting exchanges of ideas regarding the importance of common historical heritage, common past. In this context, the possibilities of joint holding of cultural, scientific and educational events, options of various humanitarian projects were discussed.

For example, on October 20, an event dedicated to the anniversary of the liberation of Yerevan Fortress and Armenian-Russian relations will be held here, which will be titled "History of Friendship". Let me remind you that with the support of Gagik Tsarukyan, in 2022, a monument to General Ivan Paskevich, who liberated the fortress of Yerevan, was erected on the territory of Yerevan Ararat cognac, wine, vodka combine. Next year marks the 80th anniversary of the victory against fascism in the Great Patriotic War. Indeed, at that turning point in human history, the Armenian people, along with other peoples, played a significant role in the victory against evil. 500 thousand Armenians participated in the Great Patriotic War, 200 thousand of them died, more than 100 Armenian heroes and generals, 4 marshals fought against fascism. This is our worthy contribution to that great victory, and the world appreciates it. Gagik Tsarukyan's clear position is that we should actively participate in the events of the glorious victory, and Gagik Tsarukyan is ready to support the implementation of all interesting ideas and projects. The Armenian people have earned all the moral rights to celebrate our united victory together with other peoples (first of all, the Russian people) at the cost of the countless efforts of their children.

By the way, our brothers and sisters of Artsakh participated with great dedication in the Great Patriotic War. A total of more than 11,000 Artsakh residents, including many heroes and generals, participated in that war, many of whom died in the fight against fascism. And it was another good opportunity to raise the issue of the rights of Artsakh Armenians and all our prisoners held in Baku. What Gagik Tsarukyan did in Moscow.

Summarizing, I would like to say that Gagik Tsarukyan's schedule includes other working visits, other countries and cities, about which proper information will be given. One more clarification. these are not visits of the PAP leader, but of Gagik Tsarukyan himself, who does not pursue any party interests. Those visits are on re-party topics, they cover much more important and national issues."

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