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The intra-team cracks are getting bigger. "Fact"

"Fact" daily writes:

Yesterday's parliamentary hearings were truly remarkable. The question was not only the subject of hearings, although it is really important from the point of view of society's life, political and life activities, if not to say it is a daily topic: criminality, the volcanic growth of crimes, the criminal situation. Let's note that the criminal situation and criminality are among the unique areas where the Pashinyan government has registered a sharp and tangible growth. But the hearings became memorable not so much because of the subject matter, but because of the in-authority rants recorded during those hearings, if you will, in connection with "Irarutotsu". No, the problem is not only that serious espionage has taken place within the Pashinyan government in order to establish total group control over the law-enforcement bloc. There are many rumors and leaks, including from the government circles themselves, that the "signed" resignation of the Minister of Justice was the result of this internal confrontation. Similarly, there are many rumors that black clouds are gathering over the heads of the Director of the National Security Service, the Super Minister of Internal Affairs, the Chairman of the Investigative Committee and not only them. In principle, it was even expected that Andranik Kocharyan and his "group" would use the previous hearings to give new momentum to the mentioned "process". However, the actual manifestations exceeded even such "intriguing" expectations. And the question here is not at all what kind of "special" street vocabulary was demonstrated by the government's "thugs", in the form of the same Andranik Kocharyan, Hovik Aghazaryan and KP chairman Argishti Kyaramyan, or what kind of virtuoso example of "Kuchi bazaar" they demonstrated.

Such "qualities" of the Pashinyan government, including hitting from behind (in the same NA hall), attacking someone in a group, resorting to various reprisals, and using street slang, are not new. Something else is much more important here, the fact that the non-ordinary representatives of Pashinyan's government openly proved almost everything that has been said about them for several years (with facts, by the way), including by the media. That is, by and large, it was not a special news either. But, agree, it's one thing when the press says it, oppositionists say it, experts say it, collecting and comparing the facts, it's another thing when the Pashinyan authorities themselves say it, who in other cases try to pretend to be virgins and deny it. that's all. The first thing that can and should be singled out was the revealing statement made by Hovik Aghazaryan during the tongue-lashing that the detention is used as a means of pressure in order to extract desired testimonies for the investigation. It certainly is. Granted, he was saying it for personal reasons, but the confession itself was interesting. Lawyers are constantly talking about it, and now, in the hall of the National Assembly, Qpakan spoke about it. As for Argishti Kyaramyan, who, as they say in the field, barely reached the age of graduating from university, managed to try on "suits" for various positions in the law enforcement-force bloc and, figuratively speaking, has many medals from Brezhnev, then his nerves gave way. And Kyaramyan too. revealed, or rather, admitted, that the representatives of the government fighting against corruption and patronage are corrupt as well, willingly resorting to patronage, which is demonstrated by calls from the authorities regarding this or that person and his "case" in the domain of the structure headed by him. And here is the head of that government, who makes the air loud with statements about overcoming corruption, which causes universal laughter, and now with even more absurd observations about overcoming the phenomenon of "making a case" and its absence. No, even without Kyaramyan's statement, it was clear that it was a lie, but this kind of unmasking of that lie takes on an even more artistic and, let's be forgiven, epic character. On the other hand, the manifestations of Andranik Kocharyan and several other hoodlums were no less comical when they tried to bring Argishti Kyaramyan to order. when he was entrusted with such positions and endowed with unlimited power at that age, the important thing is to do what they want. And how many people's lives and destinies have been claimed by all of this... But what are human lives and destinies for this government, the same Pashinyan, his devoted comrades-in-arms Hovik Aghazaryan, Andranik Kocharyan and the rest of the hoodlums? They are nothing, nothing. And Nikol Pashinyan admitted this with his indelible expression "it would be the same, but without victims". Many people seem to be wondering if it's possible that this unruly rant could turn into something bigger. We don't know. We are not soothsayers. But, in any case, it is not excluded. If there are significant signs of pressure... Yes, by the way, this is not the only episode of internal cracks, they have started to appear more clearly in recent days, in the form of "rolling the barrel" on each other, mysterious posts on social networks and other manifestations. And not only...