Zhoghovurd daily writes:
"Armenian Interior Minister Arpine Sargsyan plans to be different from the criminal subculture, as a group of lawyers told" Zhoghovurd "daily, if his intention to book his intention, he will make an unconstitutional decision.
How, Details with arguments. First of all, law enforcement officers have to provide grounds for what it means to have the status of a criminal degree or so to speak, for which the minister demands to punish the citizen.
Imagine a situation. The employee of the law enforcement body asks the citizen, you are "a thief in law", the citizen answers, not, and the thief, the robber, you are.
What will the law enforcement officer do? It is unclear. Or, if you ask what status in the criminal degree, the citizen will answer, I do not have any status.
What will law enforcement to do? It is not clear. In short, Arpine Sargsyan's February 12 statement means that a person will ask the name if he answered what the name was, so he should be punished.
This is nothing but discriminatory treatment, because they are punishing a person for his actions, not to do anything, only to live.
Zhoghovurd daily has learned that this new idea of the Interior Minister inside the government is seriously resisted, and it is unlikely to be able to conduct the law provided by Sargsyan.
We are left to wait for developments. "
Details in today's issue of "Zhoghovurd" daily.