Separation for the sake of choice, or, Bolivar Ne вынесет доиh Listening to Aghvan Vardanyan's program speech at the end of the NA briefings, I experienced a double sense.
On the one hand, I finally heard from the mentions that were notified of the meaningful, polite, Telegramyan team of Telegramian team Hayk Mamijanyan, who gave Briefing, did not go.
I have a complaining about my long-scoring, non-compliant, non-complicating, but critics, and I will ask them to be more detailed by Eterns and Smilies, and I will ask the rest to pay attention to my reaction.
1. (Start or Falstart): Mr. Vardanyan's speech was a fact that the "separation" of the "separation" of the "separation" raised by them that the current current tensions were not provoked, not a drop of honey, but a pre-planned and purposeful plan in the brain center of the second president. (Why is it that I have done some overviews in my previous articles, and I will detail more in the near future?) As Mr. Vardanyan stated, the second president's press conference was just a catalyst. Here is the answer to the question "Who started" the question of our naive opposition citizens?
2. (Strongly surprised). Continuing the issue of "separation", I have to express bewilderment for the term and the meaning under it. When we were merged or mixed, we should be separated. We were united, yes. We were united, yes. We were side by side, yes. But not never mixed that we are "separated". I am confident that the respectable speaker understands this very well, so why did this think about the presidency of the second president's preachers to bring the National Assembly? After all, if you no longer wanted to cooperate, you could just say that directly and official. My question is for naive, because in fact the authors of this operation have been deliberately gone to this suspicious and secret path.
3. ("Smart Plan"). The goals of the "scandal and separation" operation are clear. It was not possible to declare the end of the underscant cooperation. First of all, hundreds of thousands of our compatriots, whose main don is not to support the second or third presidents, but to get rid of Nicole, they would not understand it. It was necessary to scandal, scandal, to have a place of false excuses.
Second, to try the third president and the Republican Party, the label of the "exes" on that scandal, and the burden of objective or subjective problems related to it. And to "clean and Pupush" to go to the new elections, trying to compensate his own rating and lost votes at the expense of the Republican Party. This was the whole secret plan that becomes visible and summed up in today's message to Mr. Vardanyan. How honest with our partners are our compatriots adopted by our partners?
4. (Fiction formation). Today's speaker would not be Aghvan Vardanyan if I did not give up his program speech with fiction of fiction genre. For example, attributing to us, the RPA-IMPORTANT ABOUT Yesterday's opinion about the "revolution". Michael is my friend, but I do not agree with him. And you, a friend Aghva, will announce that you do not agree that I will not have the estimates of the Telegram (TG) of the Telegram (TG) serving the needs of your team. Today's mention of Karen Karapetyan was also one of the genre of artistic composition. The RPA has never blamed or called himself (see my previous articles in this regard).
In 2017, Karen had only two deputies. This team is making efforts to attract other political actors and parties through provocations in our debate. The motive is clear (this is EXRARA EMOJI).
5. (Kakogo Chrta). Continuing the same artistic approaches, Mr. Vardanyan prompts the "What would happen to happen if ..."? Therefore, if we still enter this genre, I will add a few questions in that format that my colleagues are not unemployed. "What would be the leader?
"What would happen if ... some forces and figures would clearly distinguish domestic politics from external freight?"
"What would happen if it would not be a man on President Sargsyan from outside?"
"What would happen if ...
I can continue this series even more, the respondent should be ...
6. (political migration). Today's opposition of morality and principle was only played at first glance, as a morale of the wise pioneer. In fact, there was also a political calculation here, the RPA, the RPA, opposed the third president of many. I put aside such a message from the "purity" of such a message, on May 1, 2018, the moral dilemma in the case of a figure that is worthy of classic, heroic and respect. Total to prove that the political structure is more spotted, multi-genre, synthetic, ours or yours. In the hope of the former Republican position, you joined you in 2021! We neither hindered anyone, neither hindered nor to be worshiped, thinking that people go to wear. There was little, you want to. There is really a problem with resource. My job is easy. I did not choose between Serzh Sargsyan and Robert Kocharyan. I have chosen a party. Since 2001. Republican. Like thousands of my party members. With all the consequences of the post. And in Gore, and in Radosti. Therefore, seeking political migrants, gentlemen, friends, colleagues (a person does not know how to correctly apply to many of you, that there is no one-sided).
7. (epilog). I recorded another fact in Mr. Vardanyan's conversations about his conversations with the third president. President Sargsyan was very affordable for our partners, meeting, communicative, shared, open. Maybe more than needed.
He also has a great drawback for politics (let my sincerity, not "thrown".
Therefore, go, separate, win, bear, God with you. But "Bolivar Ne Inspecting Double" can translate operations against us, without that it is already clear that "it is clear." And let me tell you that even more than even more inspired. In the past, we were discussing the issue of Artsakh, "Discharge for Salvation", and now, separation for the sake of election. Congratulations.
Armen AshotyanHA Deputy Chairman "Dzoraghbyur" TMA