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Kazakhstan is building the first nuclear power plant. Gevorg Melikyan participated in the referendum

How did the referendum on the construction of a nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan go? What kind of example can such an experience be for Armenia? these and other questionsLURER.comin a conversation with "The Armenian Institute for Resilience & Statecraft" analytical center founder, Gevorg Melikyan.

S:. On October 6, a referendum on the construction of a nuclear power plant was held in Kazakhstan, in which 63.66% of voters participated.: of the participants71:.12% voted in favor. It is known that referendums are often organized on the most important issues in that country.this seems to ensure the people's trust in the authorities, because in this way the opinion of the public is also taken into account and ensures transparency. Did you personally attend the referendum in Astana, and what is your opinion on this matter?


- Being present at the referendum organized in Kazakhstan, I was impressed by the high level of organization and the active participation of people. 63.66% voter turnout proves that citizens are sufficiently interested and involved in making the most important decisions of their country. In the case of such large and strategic decisions, it is extremely important that the opinion of a wide range of society becomes heard, especially within the framework of the "Listening State" concept adopted by Kazakhstan during the constitutional reforms. In particular, the referendum on the construction of a nuclear power plant showed that public opinion is of great importance in determining the course of a country's development, although naturally there were also those who voted against it, given the sensitivities associated with nuclear energy both globally and locally.

Referendums, in general, are meant to ensure transparency on the part of the government, and can also contribute to the formation of an atmosphere of trust in the authorities. In addition, the referendum allows every citizen to feel that his vote counts and can influence the future of the country. This is extremely important in modern political life, especially in countries where citizens' trust in the authorities may decrease from time to time due to various factors. And Kazakhstan positions itself as a modern regional, and why not also, a global actor - a middle power, and therefore wants to take care that the most important processes proceed as transparent and accountable as possible.


In Kazakhstan, the government has at various times sought to develop the institution of referendums as a tool of democratic control. This was the 4th referendum for Kazakhstan, the most important of which, in my opinion, was the referendum on constitutional changes in 2022. in June, which I also attended. From that moment, I would say, the beginning of a renewed, updated Kazakhstan was started, because this country was able to get out of the crisis processes through well-thought-out and effectively organized steps, including the referendum.

As for the construction of the 1st nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan, it is, in my opinion, a very ambitious and important project that affects the country's long-term interests. Nuclear power can provide stable energy supply, reduce hydrocarbon use and electricity imports, which is especially important for Kazakhstan's economic growth and a more independent and secure energy system.


What do you think, to what extent Kazakhstan's experience can be an example for Armenia as well, will the Armenian society show such great activity in the case of solving the most important issues through a referendum?.


-Kazakhstan's experience as a post-Soviet state can be useful For Armenia, especially from the point of view of increasing democratic governance and public involvement. The use of the institution of referendums is a serious tool for all countries aspiring to democracy and can promote the efficiency of the political system and governmental transparency. However, the effectiveness of the institution of referendums for Armenia will depend on a number of multi-layered factors.

A referendum can promote and strengthen democratic processes, but the key to its success must be a high level of public awareness, conscious choice and involvement. Referendums in Armenia, unlike Kazakhstan, have not had the support of wide circles of the public until now. In this regard, Kazakhstan's experience can serve as an interesting example, but clear political reforms will be necessary in Armenia so that the institution of referendums can be applied effectively and in an atmosphere of trust, which is still very problematic.


What is the development potential of RA-Kazakhstan relations, in what ways can mutually beneficial relations between the two countries be deepened?.


- Armenia-Kazakhstan relations have serious potential, especially in economic, energy, scientific and educational and other fields. For example, in the field of atomic energy, Armenia has considerable experience and knowledge and can contribute to the construction of the 1st NPP in Kazakhstan. Armenia and Kazakhstan are members of a number of multilateral platforms, but I would like to especially emphasize the need to diversify and deepen bilateral relations. Armenia and Kazakhstan can further deepen economic and trade ties, particularly in the fields of new technologies, energy and infrastructure projects. Kazakhstan, being the owner of large energy resources in the region, can support the reduction of Armenia's energy dependencies by opening new ways of energy cooperation, although the geopolitical and security developments in our region play a decisive role here.

It is especially important to deepen the scientific and educational exchanges, the implementation of joint projects, the complete mapping of centuries-old Armenian-Kazakh contacts and relations, and the emergence of new initiatives. For example, the Armenian Institute of National Resistance under my leadership In May, he signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Kazakh Institute of Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Yerevan, and we also held the "Armenia-Kazakhstan. the first such round table-discussion under the title "new approaches, new cooperation", in which representatives of the expert and scientific-educational communities of our two countries participated.

Kazakhstan and Armenia, as countries with a rich and profound culture, can cooperate in the cultural sphere to get to know each other better, as well as from the point of view of developing cultural tourism. Through scientific and educational cooperation, the two countries can mutually benefit from their experience and opportunities for development.

In addition, from the point of view of political cooperation, the interests of the two countries may coincide in matters of regional security and economic integration. Kazakhstan, being a Central Asian state with an established economy, plays an important role in the region, and cooperation with Armenia can help to form a stronger partnership and cooperation in various frameworks.


In general terms, it is important to emphasize institutional cooperation and, in addition to the state, official dimensions, to create solid partnerships and relations between other institutions and structures.


What problems can RA solve through a referendum in the current political situation, can it also apply to the agenda of RA-Turkey, RA-Azerbaijan relations?.


- This is a sensitive issue, because the referendum can be used to solve a number of important political problems in Armenia, especially in the current complex political and especially crisis situations. In that sense, I think that Armenia took a significant step back, if not failed the pro-Armenian approach to solving the Artsakh problem. Here, the institution of the referendum was at least needed and could play an important role.

Yes, the referendum can be used in other issues as well, such as, for example, Armenia's foreign policy, in particular, in the issues of the regulation of RA-Turkey and RA-Azerbaijan relations. However, these are extremely complex and politically entangled issues and may have serious consequences in terms of national security and regional stability. A referendum can be a way to take into account the people's point of view, but first long-term political and public open and multi-faceted discussions will be necessary so that the questions of the referendum are understandable and acceptable to the broad circles of society.

In the end, I would just like to thank the entire team of the Kazakh Embassy in Armenia for making my visit to Astana possible, as well as for the tremendous work they are doing to deepen and strengthen Armenian-Kazakh relations. The same applies to the RA embassy in Astana.


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