"Zhoghovurd" daily writes:
"Until 2050, Armenia's development strategy has remained on paper, and the authorities are busy with unrealizable plans for the Crossroads of Peace.
On September 21, 2020, the 29th anniversary of Armenia's independence, 6 days before the war, Nikol Pashinyan addressed the public and said: "Do you agree that the Republic of Armenia should be a democratic independent state outside of the USSR?"
Then he presented to the public the development strategy of Armenia until 2050. "Zhoghovurd" daily tried to understand which points of the development strategy are at which stage.
So, here are some of the points of that strategy: Population growth of Armenia to 5 million people.
According to the Statistical Committee, the number of permanent population in Armenia as of January 1, 2024 was 2.99 million people, which is 53 thousand more than the figure recorded as of January 1, 2023.
It should be noted that this increase was recorded due to Russians, Indians and representatives of other nations who came to Armenia from foreign countries and received citizenship.
Creating 1.5 million new jobs and overcoming poverty. In 2022, the average poverty rate was 24.8%. In 2023, this rate decreased to 23.7%. Data for 2024 have not yet been published.
The number of registered jobs in November 2024 was 782,832. The slow growth rate of these indicators is far from reality for the fulfillment of promising dreams.
GDP increase: 20 times, average salary increase: 7 times. In 2023, Armenia's economy grew by 7%.
In the first quarter of 2024, the volume of GDP was 1,922,939.6 million drams, which is 2.6 percentage points less compared to the same period last year.
Turning a healthy lifestyle into a national characteristic. The prime minister promotes a healthy lifestyle by riding a bicycle, but every day he cuts the centuries-old thread of RA's foreign relations.
Increase in life expectancy up to 90 years old. The longevity index in Armenia is 77.7 years. men live several years less than women.
In terms of the potential of one soldier, the presence of the world's most capable army. 6 days after this announcement, Armenia lost 5000 victims and lost the war. Without that, the army has been in a headlock for almost 5 years and it is difficult to get back on its feet.
Formation of an intelligence service, which will be included in the ten most effective intelligence services in the world.
Two days ago, the Foreign Intelligence Service created by the revolutionary government published a report that was not acceptable to the public.
On the Internet, users claimed that this report is similar to writing a thesis for 70 thousand drams. it cannot be called a serious intelligence report.Turning education into a national way of life.
The government is trying to do everything by eliminating previously established educational norms. The government is going to invest 2 trillion drams for the construction of Academic City, which is the destruction of higher education.
Universities are in danger of being connected, and the word national was removed from cultural buildings. The transformation of Armenia into a high-tech country. The way to achieve this goal was "Hayasat 1", which after the flight, as soon as it appeared in space, not only failed and did not fulfill its mission, but also caused problems. for satellites of foreign countries.
That's how the concept of strategic development until 2050 passed into history."