"Fact" daily writes:
The current authorities of Armenia like to repeat frequently that they have made Armenia a "bastion of democracy", that they profess European values, or that they "bow down" to the citizens of Armenia, as if they love them.
However, on the one hand, every citizen sees the opposite on a daily basis, on the other hand, the majority of the political forces of Armenia do not agree with those Pashinian theses.
Yesterday, the Pan-Armenian Front party, founded by the former Minister of Defense of the Republic of Armenia, Major General Arshak Karapetyan, made a strong statement, stating that in fact the Constitution is being grossly violated in our country, fundamental human rights are being ignored, freedom of speech is being restricted, any dissent is being suppressed, and political opinion is being destroyed. and economic sovereignty.
"Committing one crime after another, the regime pursues the only goal - the preservation of personal power. To achieve this goal, the prime minister and his entourage are ready to sell Armenian statehood, betray Armenian symbols, surrender the Armenian lands themselves, ignore our Christian faith and national values, ignore our friend historically formed relations with states and peoples.
For the benefit of their curators, they are systematically destroying the economic foundations of the republic," the statement states.
The party also expresses the opinion that persecution of one's own people has become the norm of modern Armenian society. "Their actions instill fear in people for their own future and the future of their children, give rise to fatal indifference and the desire to leave the homeland.
This is happening under the conditions of a real threat of military escalation." The "All-Armenian Front" party demands from the leadership of the Republic of Armenia to "immediately take measures to ensure national security and protect territorial integrity, to stop the persecution of their own people, to release all political prisoners and officers convicted on false pretexts, to stop the persecution of the opposition for political reasons, including the members of the All-Armenian Front party and its leader Arshak Karapetyan".