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The Parliament of Georgia has registered a package of bills on the ban on LGBT propaganda

The Bureau of the Parliament of Georgia has registered the package of bills on the prohibition of LGBT and transgender propaganda. The session of the bureau was broadcast live on the website of the legislative body. The legal committee was appointed as the leading committee for the discussion of the package (consisting of one main bill and 18 amendments to various laws arising from it). The initiative of the governing "Georgian Dream - Democratic Georgia" party will also be considered by the human rights, education, economy and healthcare branch committees. The Speaker of the Georgian Parliament, Shalva Papuashvili, announced on June 4 that the parliamentary majority will initiate a package of bills on the ban on LGBT propaganda, which it is planned to be adopted in the first reading in June, and in the second and third readings during the fall session. The additions provide, among other things, a ban on the registration of any other marriage besides the marriage of a man and a woman, the ban on the adoption of minors by same-sex couples or non-heterosexual persons who are not in a union. Gender reassignment surgery, marking a gender different from the gender present at the time of birth in official documents will also be prohibited. LGBT and incest propaganda will be banned in educational institutions. The amendments to the legislation prohibit public gatherings or demonstrations aimed at publicizing the LGBT topic. Broadcasters will also be prohibited from showing intimate homosexual scenes or advertisements of such content. Age censoring will be introduced in cinemas in Georgia for films that contain homosexual scenes.


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