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The "activists" who previously fought against the increase in the price of transport, now coming to power, have decided to raise the tariff three times. Chalabyan

Avetik Chalabyan, coordinator of the "Hayakve" initiative group, public-politician, on his Facebook pagewrites.

Six years ago, when Pashinyan and his administration came to power, they made many rosy promises to their enthusiastic voters. Over the years, however, they consistently do the exact opposite of what they promised, and every time they foam at the mouth to explain why it was not possible otherwise, or why nothing was up to them, or that they have now revised their previous views and are more "wise". have become and continue to package this endless string of lies and try to feed it to the gullible who still trust them.

The increase in transport prices in Yerevan is another glaring example of this. Tearing themselves apart, the "activists" who previously fought against the increase in the price of public transport, now coming to power, have decided to raise the price of public transport three times at once (!).
The public transport, which is mainly used by the less socially secure sections of the society: pensioners, students, rank-and-file employees of state and private institutions, beneficiaries - those who trusted this government with the expectation of justice and a better life, but now they will carry them on their shoulders. the full burden of incompetent governance and hidden corruption.

Our HayaQueen has conducted a fresh analysis to see that Yerevan will become the most expensive city to commute to in the region after the increase in transport prices. This comes to prove that such an increase in price is not justified by general inflation or other objective factors, but only by low management efficiency and corruption.

We will not limit ourselves to this analysis, but we will use the various means available to us to prevent the current government from entering people's pockets.

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