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The former and current presidents of the Association of the Deaf of Armenia stole a particularly large amount of money. the case is in court

On October 8, 2024, the prosecutor approved the indictment of the former and current presidents of the "Union of the Deaf in Armenia" for fraudulently committing particularly large-scale theft of property and assisting it, and handed over the proceedings materials to the competent court. RA General Prosecutor's Office informs about this.

"During the preliminary investigation of the criminal proceedings, it was found that A.G., who held the position of president of the "Union of the Deaf of Armenia" NGO (hereinafter referred to as the NGO) in 2007-2009, signed a contract with himself on July 3, 2008 as a natural person. i.e. with the president of the same public organization, and provided 32 million 700 thousand drams to the NGO with a free loan for a period of 1 year and 6 months. Later, A.G. fully received the 32 million 700 thousand drams loaned by him to the NGO, as well as an additional 15 million 300 thousand drams. Then A.G., being already the vice president of the NGO, having close relations with the current president M.H., hid the fact that he had received back the 32 million 700 thousand drams loaned to the NGO, and the money from the NGO submitted a claim to the court for confiscation.

M.H., the president of the "Union of the Deaf in Armenia" NGO, being aware that the 32 million 700 thousand drams loaned to the NGO was fully paid to A.G. instead of objecting and protecting the legal interests of the organization, on November 13, 2020, within the framework of the said lawsuit, he signed a written settlement agreement with A.G. According to the reconciliation agreement, the NGO "Union of the Deaf of Armenia" accepted the fact that it owes 32 million 700 thousand drams to A.G. and undertook to return the mentioned amount to him by 2026.

AG received 15 million 870 thousand drams out of 32 million 700 thousand drams through transfers made to his bank account from the "Union of the Deaf in Armenia" NGO.

On July 22, 2024, the prosecutor initiated a public criminal prosecution against the former president of the "Union of the Deaf in Armenia" public organization A.G. and the current president M.H., under Article 255, Part 3 of the Criminal Code. (especially large-scale fraud) and Article 46-255, part 3, item 3 (specially large-scale fraud assistance).

The suspension of office was chosen as a preventive measure against M.H. The restraining order chosen against A.G. was canceled by the court of general jurisdiction of the first instance (an appeal will be filed by the prosecutor in the future)," the message says.

Notice: the person accused of a crime is considered innocent until his guilt is proven in accordance with the procedure established by the Code of Criminal Procedure by a legally binding court verdict.