The fact "Fact" writes. In these conditions, the role of other power centers, Russia, China and India is increasing even more. On the other hand, the voice of the countries that are part of the global southern south, which are trying to have their place in modern developments.
The other typical aspect of the current processes is that in the conditions of multi-level (certain specialists, even an integrity), the competition between states is transferred to a high level. And as a result, today we see such phenomena, such as envirobation, regionalization and trade wars.
Accordingly, it gives more primary importance to advancing its own interests, as a result of which it becomes dominant in the world economy, first of all, protecting its own business or manufacturer.
In these conditions, it is forecast that the approach to diversifying economic ties will be pushed.
For example, in Canada, the lion's exposition of the United States, after the increase in customs duties, is already thinking of diversifying economic ties, reducing economic dependence on the United States and to fix them in other export markets.
It is expected that economic competition will be accompanied by a technological race. Technologies are very important in almost all areas of public life. And in the future, the countries that will have a significant role in the international arena will have a technological success.
In this case, even smaller and population countries that have reached great technology, such as Israel and Taiwan, which have a great weight and influence on a geopolitical point of view. But the main rivals continue to be the United States and China in the technological sector.
The United States remains the leader in technological development, but China is trying to throw her gloves to become the leader in the future.
The competition is especially cruel in the field of artificial intelligence. Washington seeks not to allow and ban that the trendy and high-powerful chips appear in China so that the country is unable to compete with the United States in the field of artificial intelligence.
In addition, France and India are trying not to stay with the United States and China, instead of using software solutions from other countries.
It is no coincidence that the Anti-Artificial Intelligence Action Conference took place in Paris in February of this year, and the event was co-chairing French President Emanuel Mcon and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
On the other hand, in the case of active competition between the states, the world community has not yet provided settings in artificial intelligent solutions, as the artificial intelligence of a settlement and special control mechanism can be a very serious threat to humanity.
The danger is especially high in the military, when the use of autonomous weapons and robots on the battlefield can become commonplace.
Even the experts have repeatedly called the alarm, comparing the current situation to open the Pandora Box.
On the other hand, the importance of digital domain is increasingly increasing, when digital solutions are used in almost all important infrastructure. Therefore, one of the most important directions of our time is cyber security and the fight against misinformation. Going to the states make more investments in this area.
And we can see how some countries use cyberspans to gain an advantage. For example, in the United States, China is accused of cyberlectious, the Chinese use their intellectual property and innovative solutions.
Another important trend in the modern stage is the importance of the force factor. Conflicts in Ukraine, the Gaza Strip and other places give a new impetus to the military industry.
For example, the military industry has started a very important role in the Russian economy. And the approach to resolving conflicts militarily becomes a new impetus so that states increase their military budgets sharply.
Even Germany and Japan, who have been avoiding large investments in this field for decades, have sharply increased their military budgets.
And when the United States is reluctant to hold its own security on its own NATO security shoulders, the idea of creating a security pan-European system has even arises.
The United States, China and Russia are actively developing hyydrate missile technologies, which are almost invulnerable by the current missile systems.
The universe turns into an important strategic zone. The United States, China and Russia are also actively competing in the progress of space and satellite technologies.
It is not accidental that American officials assure that the Starlink satellite service has been able to resist Russia's promotion, otherwise the war would be very fast.
On the other hand, not only the development of one's own military industries and the use of technological and innovative solutions, but also the export of military products. New people have joined traditional players in the field of armaments exports.
For example, Turkey and India are currently entering this field.
Human capital continues to be the most important factor in the international arena with all this.
It is no coincidence that the United States and other Western countries are trying to create attractive conditions so that the best specialists from different countries move to work and develop their economy. And instead of bringing specialists from the outside, China is mainly based on its great human resources.
But today, China is already facing a problem that is a decrease in the population, as a result of which its first place in the population has lost to India. But the tendency to declining the population is typical not only to China, but also in other countries of Asia, especially Japan and South Korea.
The demographic crisis is also very serious in Europe, where that problem has been partially tried to resolve the immigration expense. Even in Turkey, where the population has increased decades, the aging trend becomes dominant.
It is over the countries of the African continent that the high level of birth rate is still maintained. However, the calculations of demographers show that the decline in the birth rate and the decline in the population will become a universal trend in the near future.
At the same time, the life expectancy of people is increasing over time. In such conditions, it is not far from the time that a number of countries can stand up for a problem, such as pensioners' and the elderly elderly, in terms of counterbalancing young people.
And that in itself becomes a serious burden for the economy. Today, Japan is facing such a problem. In the context of developments, we cannot ignore the issue of global warming, climate change and anomalies.
From time to time, in different parts of the world, we have witnessed abrupt fluctuations in natural disasters and temperature, which also hit the economy of different countries, why not, as well as the world economy.
Experts warn that steps should be taken to reduce carbon dioxide and other gas emissions and waste volume, otherwise humanity may face many serious problems in the near future. The global warming and the greenhouse effect is especially a serious problem, as a result of which the country's temperature continues to rise, and the level of the world's ocean is gradually rising.
There are certain steps in the international arena for the fight against climate change, but they are not enough yet.
This is the problem that the world's effort requires: But as a result, the Chinese technology emphasis has not been emphasized not to increase calculation capacity, but on optimal solutions.
For example, the Version of the Great Linguistic Model of Deepseek R1 in January was fully revolutionary in terms of its optimal solutions.
The results of the results of American technology were managed to achieve super powerful chips and billions of dollars, and Chinese specialists managed to achieve old chips and smaller resources.
As a result, the shares of American technology companies began to decline. And from now on, competition in this area will be not only the use of state-of-the-art calculation, but also to find optimal solutions and achieving great results with small resources.
Arthur Karapetyan