Political scientist Armen Ayvazyan wrote on his Facebook page.
"Everything comes, it falls. The RA NSS initiated a case not in the "Karabakh-Karabakh" Turk, but against the popular Armenian.
This means that Pashinyan's "real in Armenia" authorities will protect the Turks with their own strength and will suppress Armenians.
Gradually, such special actions of the psychological war against the Armenian opposite will increase. Armenians are starting to train under the Turkish government, to speak clearly, to the society.
It will be banned in Armenia to mention the Armenian Genocide with historically accurate content, which is known for every Armenian. The use of Western Armenia and Artsakh will be banned even, where it is left to vote about Artsakh's liberation.
It is no coincidence that Pashinyan personally attacks the values and symbols of our nation and the state almost every day, performing the case of Turkish-Azerbaijani enemies. Surprisingly, what happened is a good sign, a positive phenomenon.
Because the hidden occupation of the Republic of Armenia turns into an open occupation, which is already visible to the naked eye.
And this means that at some point there will be not a useless and false "political struggle", but a real national liberation movement, which will be wiped on the old and new woe elites and will establish the real future of Armenia. "