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Arush Arushanyan's sentence was increased

Although the appeals against the decision to replace the sentence of Goris mayor Arush Arushanyan with imprisonment were partially satisfied, Arush Arushanyan will still be imprisoned, moreover, the sentence was increased by 3 months - instead of 1 year and 8 months of imprisonment - 1 year and 11 months of imprisonment.

The Criminal Court of Appeal, presided over by Judge Mnatsakan Harutyunyan, published the decision today. Liana Rafaelyan, spokesperson of the Criminal Court, told "Pastinfo" that the court partially satisfied the appeals of the special review of the head of the RA General Prosecutor's Office L Charkhifalakyan and the defense attorney of the convict Arush Arushanyan, Sergey Marabyan, regarding the use of punishments and other coercive measures. As a result, the court imposed a final punishment of 1 year and 11 months of imprisonment. The decision of the court of general jurisdiction of the first instance of Syunik Marz of RA on September 10, 2024 was left unchanged.

Let's remind that the court of general jurisdiction of Syunik region, chaired by judge Gnel Gasparyan, in 2022. on March 28, published the verdict in the case of Arush Arushanyan and others, according to which Arushanyan was acquitted of the episode of alleged electoral criminal acts attributed to him, and in the other episode, he was found guilty and sentenced to 1 year and 6 months in prison, including Arushanyan's eight months of detention. period, the court set a 6-month imprisonment as the final punishment, which was not applied conditionally. The court imposed a probationary period for Arushanyan for a period of 1.5 years, at the same time, Arushanyan was sentenced to a fine and a 5-year restriction on holding the position of head of the local government. Lusine Avetyan, the head of the Karahunj settlement, and two other defendants, Samvel Dinunts and Hrayr Baghdasaryan, were also acquitted, while Erik Aghajanyan and Harut Lalazaryan were found guilty. Complaints were filed against the judicial act. The Appellate Anti-Corruption Court left the judicial act unchanged, the Court of Cassation refused to accept the appeal. Accordingly, the court act entered into legal force. The Probation Service appealed to the Goris Council of Elders to terminate Arushanyan's powers, but the Council of Elders rejected the petition, stating that it does not come from their powers.

As a result, a protocol was drawn up in the Syunik regional branch of the Probation Service of the MoH about Arushanyan's evasion of punishment, and a petition was submitted to the court of general jurisdiction of the first instance of the Syunik region of RA to replace the sentence imposed on Arush Arushanyan by the verdict, to replace the deprivation of the right to hold a public office for 5 years with imprisonment, as well as in the form of imprisonment. regarding the abolition of the decision not to apply the sentence conditionally and serving the sentence. At the same time, Arush Arushanyan contested the legality of the actions of the PS, but the court rejected the appeal. A complaint was filed against the court act, which was examined in a written procedure and rejected.
As for the petition of the Probation Service, on September 10, the General Jurisdiction Court of Syunik region, presided over by Judge Varsenik Melkonyan, partially satisfied the petition of the Probation Service, regarding Arush Arushanyan in 2022. the sentence imposed by the judgment of March 28, replacing the deprivation of the right to hold the position of head of the local authority for a period of 5 years with imprisonment for a period of 1 year 8 months 3 days. This judicial act was also appealed by both the prosecutor's office and Arushanyan's defense attorney.