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The opposition has its own idea about HRD, the government has its own, we must have a standard of law. Pashinyan

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan attended the event dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Office of the Human Rights Defender. The President of the Republic Vahagn Khachaturyan, President of the National Assembly Alen Simonyan, legislators, executive, other members of judicial bodies, representatives of international organizations were also present at the latter.

In his speech, the Prime Minister congratulated the Institute of Human Rights Defender on the occasion of its 20th anniversary and emphasized its importance. According to Nikol Pashinyan, the Institute of Human Rights is an institution in complex coordinates, because usually the opposition has its own idea about Human Rights, which have peculiarities and characteristics, the government has its ideas about Human Rights, which also usually have peculiarities and characteristics, the public has Human Rights. his ideas about , which have peculiarities and features. "But I want to emphasize that the independence of the HRD institution is extremely important for the RA Government. I will also answer the question, why is it important, because I said a little while ago that sometimes there are nuances here.

I must record that the independence of that institution cannot be unimportant for the government guided by democracy for a simple reason that sometimes the Government, the management team, the executive bodies, various bodies may not notice many subtleties, simply do not give many subtleties the importance that they actually have from the offices. and beyond official agendas. Many things can be simply not seen, because it is under the impression that the government has the ability and desire to control everyone and everywhere, but in reality it is not so," said the Prime Minister, adding that sometimes the government is independent of the results and consequences of its activities. there is a need to receive signals from the sources, especially when it comes to human rights, freedoms, justice, legality, issues that are on the Government's primary agenda, issues that the government won the elections twice by promoting and promoting :

According to the Prime Minister, it is important how the course of these obligations and reforms takes place. "In this regard, my Government and I talk a lot about the need for standards.

I must emphasize that I don't know how compatible it is, but it is also very important to have two standards of law and justice, because law must have a standard, justice must also have a standard. And when I say that the attitude of the citizens towards various state institutions is obviously the same, but the activity of the Human Rights Defender differs with a very large amplitude.

But it is very important that we have a standard of rights so that we can also explain it to people. We must not forget that we finally started dealing with human rights after the collapse of the Soviet Union, as a result of gaining independence, when an entire generation grew up with essentially, if not the absence of, rights, but a severe curtailment. And when, as a result of the collapse, law and democracy appeared in the primary position, in many cases legitimacy was forgotten from the position of law itself. In many cases duty has been forgotten from the position of right itself, because once upon a time people had duties and not rights, it seems that the result of this change is that you have rights and no duties. And it should not be condemned in the sense that this is in some way a natural response to a crisis. You have no rights and only responsibilities. Then it turns out to be wrong. Therefore, the opposite of wrong is right, that you have rights and no responsibilities," Nikol Pashinyan noted, adding that the standard of law and justice is a very important tool that has not yet been made a reality.

According to the Prime Minister, the Institute of Human Rights Defender, its independence, is one of the important intersections where this process should take place, where, after all, we should have a standard of law so that we can not be confused, including not using legality to deprive people of their rights. "I didn't want to say it to limit people's rights, because the right itself also includes a certain limitation that refers to the rights of others.

Therefore, I attach great importance to the fact that we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Human Rights Defender's institution not just as a birthday, but with such a conference, where, of course, I am sure that a significant part of the issues I mentioned will be discussed. And I am sure that this discussion will contribute to the further development of the Institute of the Defender of Human Rights in the Republic of Armenia," said Nikol Pashinyan.


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