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"Publication". The situation in Kapan is heating up

"Hraparak" newspaper writes:

"Yesterday it became known that a gas station operated in violation of normative requirements was dismantled in Kapan. We were told that the filling station was in operation for more than 4 years and belonged to a businessman close to the government, Edgar Hakobyan, who is a well-known developer. During one of his visits to Syunik, Pashinyan visited one of the newly constructed buildings built by his company.

It is said in the city that the head of the community, Gevorg Parsyan, who has recently been targeted by the government, has also launched a counterattack and has decided not to turn a blind eye to the gas station that does not meet safety standards, and a decision has been made to demolish it. Especially since, according to our source, the CP is going to make the owner of the filling station, Edgar Hakobyan, the mayor in the upcoming elections. Edgar Hakobyan told us that Parsyan is his relative, and he, in fact, has no objection to that decision, because he was building a building next to the gas station, and now the time has come to receive the completion certificate, which they refused to provide because of the presence of the gas station. As for the fact that he can become the candidate for the heart of the government, the businessman did not consider it correct to talk about it. "Now the city has a mayor, yes, I also heard that they want me... I have very high-level, neighborly relations with the Prime Minister, the government wing, but at the moment there is no idea to engage in politics, we are still doing business."


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