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Azerbaijan wants to control Armenia's mines. "Fact"

"Fact" daily writes:

Yesterday, the Azerbaijani "Environmental Protection First" coalition called a briefing, the speakers of which were the secretary of the Public Council of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan and the initiator of the coalition, Amin Mamedov, and the member of the coalition, the head of the Fund for Promotion of Entrepreneurship and Market Economy, Sabit Bagirov. They again referred to Nakhichevan in the border area. (Pledge) to the suspended construction of a metallurgical plant by Armenia, which, according to them, is a transboundary environmental impact assessment in 1991. was a "gross violation" of the Convention (Espo Convention). And once again they mentioned that the construction works were stopped after the complaints of the Azerbaijani side. Amin Mammadov noted that although Armenia is a member of the Espoo Convention, it does not observe it. If the country carries out industrial and economic activities in the area close to the border of the neighboring state, it must submit a report to the public and the government of the neighboring state," he said. Some time ago, on September 12, the environmental coalition "Environmental Protection First" celebrated its one-year activity. held a press conference during which almost the same issues were discussed. Most likely, such activity is connected with the upcoming COP 29, ahead of which the agenda about the "enormous" damages caused by the mining industry of Armenia is being actively "heated up" in the Azerbaijani media, the purpose of which is to destroy the economy of Armenia. Azerbaijani officials and deputies more than once , who noted that during COP 29, they will discuss the "serious" environmental damages caused by the mining companies operating in RA to the Voghji River in the transboundary zone, as well as the "ecocide" carried out by RA for about 30 years in the "liberated" areas. According to Mamedov, in 2023 "Azercosmos" presented satellite images that reflect the activities of more than 20 mining enterprises located on the "conventional" border of Armenia with Azerbaijan. On the basis of satellite images, a material was prepared on the activities of industrial enterprises of Armenia in the regions bordering Azerbaijan, which was published in cooperation with diplomatic representatives accredited in Azerbaijan and mass media. "It is the coalition's demand that Armenia allow specialists from both Azerbaijan and other countries to visit the production areas of mining facilities to carry out monitoring there," he stressed. He also added that several NGOs operating in Armenia complained at the beginning of this year. After the solidarity expressed by their coalition against the exploitation of the Amulsar mine located on "their historical land", those NGOs were accused in Armenia of spying for Azerbaijan. It should be noted that Amin Mammadov is a famous Russian-speaking blogger who gives interviews quite often in the Russian media. He regularly makes manipulative statements about the "enormous environmental damage" caused by the Kajaran mine operated by the Amulsar, Zangezur copper-molybdenum combine. Sabit Bagirov, co-founder of the aforementioned coalition, noted that 12 of Armenia's 26 mining companies are located in the so-called "Western Zangezur". ", which creates environmental risks. According to him, it is important that Armenia ratifies the UN Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes. "I am confident that after the signing of the peace agreement, the government of Azerbaijan will insist on the accession of Armenia to the mentioned convention and the creation of a joint structure for the implementation of Article 9 of this Convention. It is important that civil NGOs of Azerbaijan continue their efforts for constructive cooperation with Armenian NGOs. in the direction of approval for the joint monitoring of the environmental situation in the recently agreed zone (meaning Amulsar - ed.), he said. Azerbaijani "environmentalists", controlled and financed by the Azerbaijani authorities, have long been using the texts of local NGOs against Armenia's mining industry. They have launched an active counter-campaign against the mining enterprises operating in Armenia, with the aim of stopping the activities of these companies and depriving Armenia of the most profitable sector. 10. In the 24th issue.


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