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Scandal: the parent claims that his minor child was beaten by the teacher of the primary school, Turk said

Today, on October 16, was contacted by Susanna Petrosyan, a 34-year-old resident of Yerevan, who wanted to share her thoughts about the incident that happened a few days ago, on October 11, at Muratsan School No. 18 in Yerevan, saying: "My child is 14 years old and studies in the 9th "A" grade of that school.

On October 11, at 3:30 p.m., my child's teacher, Aghavni Grigoryan, called me from his phone and called me to school urgently, saying that my child did not behave well during the military science class, there was a disturbance and an argument broke out. The school said that all of this happened during the class of the teacher of the NDP, Artur Ghazaryan. When the national anthem was played, the children rioted, and the 54-year-old teacher started hitting and pushing my son and his classmate in the presence of his classmates. He even said that since he is a participant in the war, those children are Turks and he killed such Turks. I entered the school, scolded my child, not knowing that the teacher even beat him. I even apologized to the teacher and we returned home.

That evening, the parent committee called me and said that what right does the teacher have to hit the child? Before that I did not know that the child was hit. Then the parents sent messages and told that, yes, he hit, overturned the table, etc.

I also noticed that there were marks of blows on my child's body and I sent the pictures to the teacher. The next day, I went to school and the principal, excusing himself, said that they allegedly saved both my child and the teacher. I said at school that this case will not remain without consequences and I will appeal to all institutions, I will make it public, because no one has the right to raise a hand on my child. After all that, the principal called me to school this morning and admitted that, yes, the teacher hit my child, but he blamed it all on my child. He said that they should solve the problem themselves and not make a noise, but I will go to the end so that everyone knows and answers. Violence must disappear from schools."


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