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The injury from not receiving a diploma. Armen Ashotyan

The fact that Pashinyan's public speeches, especially in religious-philosophical, moral and security directions, are a direct threat to the mental health and intelligence of any rational and moral person is a well-known bitter reality. On various international occasions, such content has become a national disgrace for a long time (his recent speeches at the United Nations are a witness). However, recently, in the political school created by the Republican Party following the footsteps and example of the Communist Party, his corrosive primitivism and combative superficiality have been defined by new opponents, namely Matgash. in the presence of the generation.

Today, from his long and content-toxic speech, I will focus only on the topic of security, specifically its military component and the army. Pashinyan literally expressed an opinion that has a huge potential to turn the pioneers of classical political science endlessly in their coffins, namely: "If the number 1 tool of security is the army, then you have no security." ", and decorated that gem of thoughts with equally primitive and boring "examples".

I am very sorry that Brzezinski and Clausewitz, Sun Tzu and Hannibal, Kissinger and Peter the Great, who passed away prematurely, are deprived of the pleasure of embracing this strategic innovation of our great strategist. Alas, this flash will be ignored by Russia, the USA, China, the EU, Israel, Iran and other serious actors who are very concerned about the security problems of the modern world, and the Nicolaitan fighting primitivism will be completely destroyed again exclusively by the Armenian people, deep-thinking imagineers, and in fact on the head that has become a testing ground for the intellectually bare Pashinyan ambitions.

Let's look at the problem at two levels: local and global. In the case of local analysis, the systematic and disintegrating attacks on the RA Armed Forces after the seizure of power in 2018 immediately come to mind: "Strawberry" operation, the massacre of personnel at all levels, the criminal review of the weapons acquisition plan, with the RA military partners. The aggravation of (Russia and CSTO) relations, the failed attempts to revise the results of the April war, the insidious devaluation of the Artsakh liberation war, etc. On the one hand, these were purposefully destroying the military component of our security, on the other hand, they were putting on cheap shows in the name of the army (Ashot Pashinyan's service in Artsakh, SU-selfies, Tavushyan battles = Sardarapat, etc.). Even today, parallel to Nikol's tactics, his ASC declares that "Armenia will do everything to defend itself in case of any attack. And Armenia only acquires the ability to organize defense."

Globally, of course, the so-called national security is a multi-component phenomenon and requires a combination of various systems and mechanisms, among which for any country in geopolitically troubled zones, the military potential remains paramount, along with diplomacy and economy. Let's imagine for a moment that Nicole is right ( I know it's difficult, but make that effort), and the rest of the security components are in the foreground for Armenia's security.

Let's go in turn.

1. Diplomacy.

Is the diplomacy of those who failed the Artsakh negotiations after 2018, brought war upon us, left the atrocities of the enemy unpunished on international platforms during the war, despised the old strategic ally and did not acquire a new one, and begged for "peace" all over the world to no avail, is this a guarantee of RA's security? Seriously?

2. Economy.
Doubling the foreign debt, sharply tightening the tax burden, wearing on the needle of re-exports, closing IT sector enterprises, not guaranteeing the safety of foreign investors in their own land, rolling backwards in international economic rankings, doubling the dependence on one trading partner, have they turned the economy into a security factor? Really?

3. Demography.

Our demographic security has been strengthened by those who sharply boosted emigration, failed to provide the promised immigration, drove away 120,000 Artsakh compatriots, and killed more than 5,000 male citizens of reproductive age. Every...

4. Agriculture.

Having closed the branch ministry, wrapping up the worries of the villagers, depriving us of Artsakh's food and wheat, they promoted our food security with the non-consumable and rotting crops of the ASC. Anush...

5. Information.

With the grandmother damaging the cable from digging in the soil in the village of Georgia, washing heads within the framework of the state order under the leadership of H1, breeding perfect-TVs, dumbing down their own people and facing the reality from the leaks of Aliyev and Erdogan, are the jailers for freedom of speech ensuring our information security? Diesellike: This series can be continued according to the main safety components. However, I don't want to burden you too much, and I suggest that you do this exercise on your own, in your free time, and analyze the security of Armenia during the reign of Nikol, according to the other areas. Public solidarity, Democracy, Morale, Energy, Public health, Ecology. Perhaps you yourself can understand and explain to me, my ignoramus, in which of those areas the novice cyclist has developed our security so much that the army can be easily ranked as the 3rd, 4th, 5th important factor.

P.S. 1. And in order for you to be very idle, re-read the document called NATIONAL SECURITY STRATEGY OF THE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA adopted in July 2020 during their reign, in which Armenia officially renounced the Republic of Artsakh for the first time. You will see a lot of other bitter things in the aftermath...

P.S. 2. Some claim that if Adolf Hitler had been admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, the history of Europe would have taken a different course. It seems to me that if Nikol had received the YSU diploma, the history of Armenia would have been different.

Vice President of RPA
"Dzoraghbyur" 15.10.2024


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