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After 3 years, Pashinyan suddenly "remembered" that there is a function reserved for the Russian Federation in the November 9 document. Abrahamyan

RA NA MP Tigran Abrahamyan writes: "The Governor of Armenia has given certain "clarifications" regarding point 9 of the document of November 9, the regional blockade, which not only contradicts his previous comments, but also clearly contains falsehoods. did
First of all, Pashinyan, who for 3 years did not see the presence of the Russian Federation at that point and was engaged in obvious manipulation, suddenly "remembered" that there is a function assigned to the Russian Federation and formulated it like this: "the representatives of the Russian Federation can be entrusted with some kind of monitoring". which function to see to what extent RA fulfills its obligations." But here too, another falsehood is advanced when, referring to the decree of the Russian President, he states that the function of the Russians on the communication passing through the territory of Armenia (toward Syunik) as monitoring is presented.
And this is despite the fact that in that decree the function of the RF border guard service is not defined as monitoring, but as CONTROL. Does Pashinyan not know the difference or explanation of the words monitoring and control? I'm sure he knows very well, but he's writing another lie. Control is a broader concept, which also implies monitoring, but under the term control, it also implies situation management, which can imply broader powers from the point of view of communication security and security. Here also what is the problem Nikol Pashinyan signed a document on November 9, 2020, but he, his teammates, propaganda tools speak or interpret that document as if that event happened during the time of the Pope. Second, any mention or discussion of that tripartite document is necessary. should be considered as a whole within the framework of Azerbaijan's unfulfilled obligations: presence of Artsakh residents in Artsakh, provision of international guarantees for their security, provision of an uninterrupted, safe corridor between Artsakh and Armenia. And why Pashinyan "remembered" the presence of the Russian Federation in the provision of regional de-encirclement, it is no less important It's a topic I'll touch on another occasion."


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