The "Fact" daily writes:
In Armenia, it is spoken for years to strengthen digital infrastructure and move forward in accordance with modern requirements.
And indeed, digital technology is the direction that makes speeds of progress, actions and processes, more effective, including in the field of public administration.
But it should be noted that the establishment of a completely digital domain can cause serious negative phenomena if there are no alternatives. One can imagine what will happen if the implementation of payment systems with payment systems and data processing will arise. The whole economy can stand up before the fact, and as a result, the country will suffer significant economic damage, especially in conditions when it is encouraged to implement non-cash transactions.
For example, we met with such a recent failure in the ArCA system, when people could not pay payments with cards or cash out money from the card.
Despite the inconvenience caused to the citizens and businesses, it remained unclear which failure to appear.
To avoid such situations or should be created another digital alternative system, or to maintain cash circulation, which will allow you to avoid paralysis if necessary.