"Chess" should be declared and "finger" not to each other, but to him.
Returning from today's court session, I got acquainted with the news, which had a unique and interesting place on behalf of Robert Kocharyan's teammates in the last, heavy and dense articles of my modest person, which was voiced by Mrs. Agnesa Khamoyan.
I will initially record that I consider Mrs. Khamoyan (Agnesia) a friend, so please consider the publication of interpersonal disagreements, but a political essay. And to make this difficult message more perceptible, allow chess parallels.
1. E2-E4 or who started this confrontation. It is clear that in the origin of the conflict, Mrs. Khamoyan is trying to calculate the voltage of Narek Malyan, which followed the last press conference of the second president.
And, according to that version, their cup of patience was flooded, and President Kocharyan's team passed a large-scale attack. I do not rule out that our partners really perceive what happened, but the facts testify to something else. First of all, I would like to say that no RPA member's assessments of President Kocharyan did not even allow President Kocharyan to do any more words (Narek's speech, was also exclusively political).
Second, accepting Malyan's certain relations with us, whether it was a sufficient basis for the second presidential team to remove such local forms. After all, different circles with close ties with the same second president have been a much more acute, actually dirty and non-corrective wording against President Sargsyan.
Russian-language Telegramyan waves, but those who have nothing to do with their daily affairs, insults, insults, insults, lies By keeping, we used to believe that we had believed that explanations.
Especially since you had no connection, "but after our discussions, the poison of those circles was temporarily lacking. By your logic, dear colleagues, we really have to "take the numbers out of every such occasion." You really think that Narek has started this escalation. Let's honestly accept, Malyan's Live for him was just Casus Belli. And if anyone wants the bellum, then Casus will always find.
2. Azerbaijani gambit, or where are red lines? Already at the level of several spikers, a thesis is repeated that "the second presidential press conference was seriously all the evil forces, the Azeris (in some versions, the Levon) and ... Republicans.
Mentioning us in such a series, I still put a side issue, not really us, but in reality, does not bring you honor. And not because the developments in neither the world nor Armenia are revolving around the second presidential press conference. You are considering us and Azeris in the same series. And in that case, we can say in a secret tone and to say much more argument that Nikolas, Azeris have been rejoiced.
Of course, no, because I have so much respect not only for you, but also to my own.
3. Rokirovka, or who brought Nicole. Ms. Khamoyan naively thinks that in the cases of 18, we mean the role of the teammates of the second president, we mean one's relative. Or by the logic of the provocative issues of journalists, the two sons of President Kocharyan.
I hope you don't believe in these comments, because the events that took place during that period were much deeper, and talked about President Kocharyan's resignation only, many eloquent eloquent than "Who was in the square" in those days. So this time I will rewrite my mind in chess language. We are not to blame for both the right. Or did they want to deport the king from the left? We are not guilty that the default consensus was formed between the king between the boats. We are not to blame for some of the short "Rokirovka" who dreamed of some and the other forces succeeded. How can I say no open and understandable?
4. SEANS OLNOVRENTY AND What was happening in 2008-18? While President Sargsyan resisted foreign players a few years after March 1, 2008, they were trimmed and strengthened by President Kocharyan, while they tried to restore the atmosphere of minimal solidarity, figures and actors. Take it, sometimes not understanding where the domestic policy ends and where the appearance begins.
And when I emphasize that President Kocharyan has never left active politics, I do not mean his five interviews, but what I have scientificly written in my previous articles. And another reminder. 2008-18 The issue of the relations was updated to his last press conference in his last press conference, agreeing with the journalist's words, "10 years have worked against you by the third propaganda machine."
I am sorry that my honesty did not become a contagious about subtitle and mutual tensions in those years, moreover, it was appreciated as a "self-promising testimony".
5. What happened on the 18th or what happened? The repetition is the mother of science on the one hand, and on the other hand, political technology, so I understand the persistent reproduction of our partners, regardless of their well-known facts, regardless of their spectaculars and knowledge of us.
Especially when almost all their leading players have had many opportunities to discuss these events with President Sargsyan. So I will add only a few details. Yes, the Republican Party, on May 8, announced that I would miss the second, repeatedly, and repeated the second candidate for the second time.
Your consistent nomination is the voices that are lost in repression of us. Seriously, Mrs. Khamoyan Jan.
As for the scenario of not going to early elections in 2019, the issue "Why didn't it happen?" Nicole is one of the respectable people who visited isolated in solitary confinement in 2018 (their list is not large).
6. Fair Play or whether I thank the "Armenia" faction. Ms. Khamoyan did not understand the recent steps about the steps taken by the Republican Party in 2018.
It is not appropriate for me to visit me during my imprisonment or guarantee me (I will add) comparison to me, although even the first three presidents could even give my young ambition a few years ago.
"We have defended Kocharyan from the very beginning" the message was a response to the conspirational fever of your figures. So I promise to never forget about your support and always be thankful, as I have not forgotten to date. In order to never be able to make your own non-small partners. As soon as I forget, please remind me a hard and public. I will not be offended. Instead of endshpil.
I deliberately bypassed the words of chess terminology, because in this political situation, they should be used to other people on the opportunity.
"Chess" should be declared and "finger" not to each other, but to him. Otherwise, the red flower of the story of the story will inevitably fall on all of us.
Your step is ladies and gentlemen.
Armen Ashotyan
RPA Deputy Chairman
TCC 04.03.2025 »