"Fact" daily writes:
At the last session of the government, CP leader Nikol Pashinyan announced, or rather announced the start of the process of Armenia's accession to the European Union.
In short, Pashinyan announced that "real Armenia" wants and should join the European Union. The fact that Nikol Pashinyan is once again misleading, if you will, he wants to fool the public, is more than obvious.
Pashinyan himself knows very well that his many-worded statement about the desire to join the European Union is a hoax, that's why he "insured" himself by stating the following. "This decision does not mean EU membership in the true sense of the word.
It can only be through a referendum." If joining the European Union was only by holding a referendum in the countries that want to join the union, do you know how many countries would have joined it now?
In other words, for example, Turkey, which has been "moving" towards the EU for 30-40 years, could not hold such referendums and enter the EU, even if this or that country holds 50 referendums It does not yet follow that it will become a member of the EU.
And Armenia is not near the door at all, nor in the middle, but rather at the tail end of the queue. And the question is: are they waiting for us in the EU, or are they putting a soft pillow under our heads? still aside.
Pashinyan's compassionate attitude to the so-called "Eurovote" signature collection testifies to the fact that, according to everything, this initiative was by no means spontaneous, but was organized by the direct instructions of the Pashinyan government.
This is the first. Second, Nikol Pashinyan announced that this is the first time such an initiative has been shown. This is an open lie, because in 2023, and it is well known, the "Hayakve" initiative was collected. Third, Pashinyan said that they cannot (or how can they) ignore the opinion of 50 thousand people?
Here it is impossible without a classic reaction. "Really?" In that case, how is it that the same Pashinyan and his CP completely ignored the opinion of more than 50,000, and in fact, about 70,000 people who joined the "Hayakve" petition?
Although, logically, it is completely understandable why Pashinyan pretends to be ignorant at the moment of "Hayakve".
But, which is much more important, tens of thousands of RA citizens aimed to criminalize (impose a criminal punishment) recognizing Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan. to be criminally liable for it.
By the way, even without polling, we can say that about 2 million RA citizens want Pashinyan to at least leave the post of Prime Minister.
How is it that he ignores the opinion of two million? Let's go back to Pashinyan's new, and in addition, adventurous and manipulative manifestation of joining the European Union. Why manipulative?
Even for the following simple reasons. a) they do not become EU members through the referendum, b) no one in the European Union is waiting for Armenia, c) Armenia does not meet the standards of the European Union in any parameter (democratic, judicial, social, economic, legislative, security, educational, etc.), and during Pashinyan's rule, among them miles away.
And, in general, in order to be considered a candidate for joining the European Union (we emphasize: a candidate), Armenia will have to eat "baguette and Parmesan" for many, many years to come.
In general, if Pashinyan and his government, purely for their own group interests, are so obsessed with the "business" of feeding the public with lies and misleading them once again, that they are trying to convince with "shustravats" that it is possible to become a member of the EU through a referendum, then the public is left to either get rid of from a lying and disastrous government, or... once again "tick" the thrown "eurakut" and so misguided and proud... to go for new elections, well, a referendum and another even... to be deluded with dire consequences.
The "Crossroads of Peace" naturally failed, as evidenced by even Aliyev's open threats to turn Armenia into "Western Azerbaijan".
And Pashinyan launched the prepared "plan B", that is, the "Eurovote" balloon. In addition to everything, if Armenia even joins the European Union, and more precisely, if it leaves the EAEU without membership, it means that natural gas, nuclear fuel, wheat should then be bought at "European" prices, several times more expensive.
Accordingly, it is a very big question whether anyone will have wheat or gas to sell to Armenia. The most important thing.
Undoubtedly, Pashinyan is well aware that Armenia will not become a member of the EU, so why is he making such a big statement?
Unfortunately, it is also obvious, if not obvious. The main goal of Pashinyan's political statement about starting the EU membership process is to antagonize Russia and also Iran.
According to this, this is being done consciously by the same government in parallel with the strengthening of the Turkish-Azerbaijani threats seriousness and also our responsibility and we get rid of that disastrous regime that leads the Armenian state ship to hit the rocks with adventurous gestures, or "not engaging in politics", we go to ram another portion head-to-head with our eyes wide closed.