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Forest fires threaten Brazil's unique ecosystem. BBC:

Forest fires are raging in the Pantanal region in Brazil, which is the world's largest swampy tectonic depression. In the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, the fires have already destroyed about 32,000 hectares. According to "Armenpress", the BBC reports about this. Jaguars, giant anteaters and otters live in the Pantanal. According to climate experts, this year the forest fire season has started earlier and is much more intense than in previous years. Firefighters have announced. that the strong winds raging on Saturday and Sunday hindered the firefighting operations. In addition, the region has seen less rainfall than in previous years, which has contributed to the spread of fires. As of June 9, the number of forest fires since the beginning of the year was 935% higher than the same period last year. 2023 . Between January 1 and June 9, 127 forest fires were recorded, compared to 1,315 in the same period this year. Mato Grosso do Sul authorities declared an environmental emergency in April, noting that low rainfall created good conditions for forest fires. The federal government of Brazil announced a few days ago that it will work with the governments of Mato Grosso do Sul and Amazonia in the fight against forest fires.


The West's response to Putin's proposals is not constructive. Peskov
Russia helped Armenia to restore railway communication with Georgia in a record short time. Overchuk
The US plans to grant status to illegal migrants who have lived in the country for 10 years. CBS News
Biden is undergoing an "honesty test" on his attitude to the Gaza war. Erdogan
Border guards of Iran informed about clashes with terrorists on the south-eastern borders of the country
Sweden has accused Russia of violating its airspace
Cuba complained about the presence of an American submarine in its territorial waters
The Ukraine peace summit is starting in Switzerland
Kazakhstan will deliver more than 1 ton of oil to Germany by the end of the year
The USA will allocate 1.5 billion dollars to Ukraine for humanitarian and energy projects
Ukraine is preparing the second peace summit and does not rule out the participation of Russia
Negotiations on the accession of Ukraine and Moldova to the EU will begin on June 25
Spain has restored the import of Russian iron and steel. RIA Novosti
A new method of cheating on Instagram. how to avoid it?
Stoltenberg responded to Putin's conditions for peace in Ukraine
The President of UAE pardoned 1138 prisoners ahead of Kurban Bayram
Mats Hummels is leaving Borussia Dortmund
Eight EU countries proposed to ban Russian diplomats from free movement in the Schengen zone
Ukraine returned the bodies of 254 dead soldiers
Almost 314,000 people have been evacuated due to the rains in Japan

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Border guards of Iran informed about clashes with terrorists on the south-eastern borders of the country

Almost 314,000 people have been evacuated due to the rains in Japan

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a case after the death of the NTV cameraman during the shooting

Hamas could not say how many hostages survived

In Mexico, unknown persons stabbed six visitors of an illegal bar. mass media

In Russia, journalist Nevzorov was fined for unsubmitted reports of a foreign agent

The Iranian police reported the killing of two terrorists in the southeast of the country

In Russia, it was reported that about 170 munitions were fired in the direction of Belgorod region in one day.

Three police officers were injured in the shooting in the USA

1000 animals died in the fire that broke out in the famous market of Bangkok

The President of Malawi has confirmed the death of Vice President Chilima in a plane crash

The American military base in Syria was attacked. mass media

4 US college professors were stabbed to death in China

The missing plane of the vice president of Malawi has not been found yet. mass media

Lightning struck the plane traveling from Russia to Armenia

There was an explosion in the Polish armory. there is a victim

11 people were killed as a result of Israeli strikes in the Gaza Strip

South Korea's military has raised the alarm over North Korean balloons full of garbage

The 90-year-old astronaut of "Apollo-8" died in the crash of the plane in the state of Washington

Three drones were shot down in North Ossetia